Ch. 26

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Falice's House
Falice Bughead Jellybean & Gladys sit at the kitchen table talking when the door opened, and Choni walked in. "Where's Lacey & Lilah?" Cheryl asked. "At their new friends house, why?" Betty asked noticing from the corner of her eye that FP was looking at her as she said that. "Well, they're new friends parents, or friends, the 2 adults just came to the Whyte Wyrm and almost bought out the whole bar." Toni said. "Are you serious?" Alice asked. "Well me & Cheryl aren't lying, so can you tell us where Lacey and Lilah's new friends live or text them and tell them to meet us at the Wyrm." Toni continues.

"I'll go with you." Betty says getting up & Jughead also gets up saying. "I'll come with you too." "Jughead!" Gladys says surprised, Jughead looks at her and says, "I haven't seen you in like 5 years. So sorry if I don't want to stay here and talk to you when you just show up out of the blue." Jughead says walking out the door with Betty & Choni, Alice tries not to laugh and FP bites back a grin.

Bughead & Choni walk back to the Whyte Wyrm and Jughead pulls his phone out and texts Lacey. ⬇️

Lacey reads the last text and tells Blaise she's going out and  that she'll be back in 20 minutes, Lacey walks to the Whyte Wyrm seeing Bughead & Choni waiting for her

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Lacey reads the last text and tells Blaise she's going out and  that she'll be back in 20 minutes, Lacey walks to the Whyte Wyrm seeing Bughead & Choni waiting for her. "What do you guys want this time?" Lacey asked, Choni bite back a laugh as Jughead stares at her and says. "We need to talk, but 1st we're dealing with what Choni came bursting into the house for." "I only have 20 minutes left before I have to go back to my friend's house because he's going through a bad breakup." Lacey says as Choni & Betty look at each other.

Toni says. "Ok let's go instead of telling you, I'll just show you." They walk behind the counter, Toni shows Lacey everything that Wormtail & Yaxley did. "So... they almost bought out the whole bar?" Lacey asked. "Yeah apparently." Cheryl said as she & Bughead walked behind the counter with them. "We don't mind that they come in here, we just don't want them to buy out the whole bar." Toni says. "Ok I'll talk to them, but they're not going to listen to me anyway... I gotta go so bye." Lacey leaves the Whyte Wyrm and goes back to the blue house with a black fence and red roses, leaving Jughead confused while Betty & Choni look nervous knowing now that Lilah was right about everything... Lacey opened the door again and slams it hard making everybody jump. "What's with the door slamming?" Draco asked. "Where's Wormtail & Yaxley?" Lacey asked ignoring his question. "In the bedroom with Penny & Voldemort." "Why?" Theo asked. "Because I need to tell them something."

The next day, the gang went to school and saw Lacey & Lilah in the halls they made eye contact, but that was about it because Lacey & Lilah hung out with Blaise Draco & Theo more than them for the past few days. "So is Lacey & Lilah avoiding us now or what?" Kevin asked as Reggie Choni Varchie Bughead Sweet Pea Fangs & Joaquin sit at their usual lunch table. "They're not avoiding us." Fangs mumbled eating a french fry. "Yeah, they're not avoiding us, in fact they told me Fangs & Joaquin that they'll be at Veronica's speakeasy tonight with some new friends." Sweet Pea said eating his food.

Veronica said, "Yeah they told me that too, so do you guys know who their new friends are, that they're bringing?!?!?"  "Maybe those 3 & those 2 adults that almost bought out the Whyte Wyrm." Cheryl said flipping her hair. "Y'know I think Kevin's right, I think Lacey & Lilah are avoiding us especially me & I don't know why." Jughead replied. "Well you guys have plenty of time to talk tonight at Ronnie's speakeasy." Betty says looking at the gang and noticed they had the same look like she & Choni had last night. That night at Veronica's speakeasy aka La Bonne Nuit, the gang was all there except for Lacey & Lilah who walked in a few minutes later with a bunch of other people.

Kevin says to Reggie and the gang, "Lacey and Lilah are here now & Cheryl you were right."  "Well of course I'm always right." Cheryl said smirking a little bit, Sweet Pea Fangs & Joaquin walk to Lacey & Lilah dragging them to the gang's table. "Guys, you can officially meet Blaise." Fangs said. "Hi my name's Blaise Zabini but you can call me Blaise." Blaise says sitting between Lacey & Lilah with Sweet Pea on the other side of Lilah, Bughead Varchie Kevin Reggie & Choni look at each other & smirk before Reggie says, "You're that one guy from Cheryl's party who told us that you and the other 2 knew Lacey really well." "Yeah I am, what are you gonna do about it?" Blaise asked sassily. "We/I finally like you." Sweet Pea said laughing making Blaise smirk and say, "Right back at ya."

"Well." Veronica starts, "welcome to La Bonne Nuit aka the speakeasy I hope you guys have fun, me & Archie are gonna go mingle." Archie says, "It was nice to finally meet you." Before Veronica drags him away. Blaise smiles and looks at Lacey & Lilah saying, "I'm not so bad now am I?" They look at him and Lilah says, "We don't know yet."Lilah says smirking, Lacey looked around the room and could feel her heart break again once she saw FP walk in La Bonne Nuit with Gladys glued to his hip.

Lacey rolled her eyes trying not to cry, she gets up grabbing Blaise's hand dragging him somewhere near a corner with Lilah & Sweet Pea following them. Fangs & Joaquin get up too leaving Choni Bughead Reggie and Kevin sitting there before Choni gets up going to the dance floor, FP & Gladys walk to where Bughead Kevin & Reggie were sitting, FP whispers in Jughead's ear, 'Is Lacey here? If she is where? & keep your mom busy while I go talk to Lacey if she's here.' Jughead looks at him and whispers back. 'Lacey's here she & some guy walked to a corner and sat there, I think he's her friend because Lilah & Sweet Pea followed them.'

FP looked around the room seeing Lacey and he whispered back, "Found her, keep your mom busy while I go talk to Lacey." Jughead nods and starts talking to Gladys about last night about why he ran out, FP found Lacey & asked. "Can we talk plz?" FP asks looking at her while Blaise looked at Lilah & Sweet Pea before Lilah mouths. "That's FP her bf." Blaise nods &says, "If you want to talk to him Lace you can, I'm not going to stop you, I'll be sitting here with Lilah & Sweet Pea." Blaise said.

Lacey nods walking to an empty table with him sitting down. "So who is that?" FP starts. "My old friend Blaise." Lacey mumbles avoiding eye contact with FP who noticed that & sighs saying, "Ok, look I'm sorry that Gladys & Jellybean showed up out of the blue, me & Jughead didn't know that they were coming ok. And--" "I'm going to stop you right there, I think that we should take a break because I have some stuff that I need to help Blaise with & you need to figure out what's going to happen if you're going to make your family work again. I'm sorry I just... I need a break from us until we figure out what's going to happen I'm sorry, but I can't see you anymore." Lacey says getting up as FP sat there shocked, he sat there all night until Jughead Betty & Alice sat beside him for a few minutes until closing time.

"What happened?" Jughead asks. "I think Lacey just broke up with me, she said we should take a break, but it feels like we actually broke up." FP says sadly putting his face in his hands as Alice sat beside him rubbing his back gently, Bughead look at each other before Jughead said. "I'll make sure you & Lacey get back together after I find out why mom's here in the 1st place."

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