Ch. 40

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"Ok, but how do I text her back when I'm handcuffed." Gladys asked. "JB can do it." Charles said, JB grabbed the phone and texted Penny back. FP sighs getting up, going outside seeing Lacey & Varchie sitting on the porch while the Serpents, Betty, Lilah, besides Alice & Charles keep interrogating Gladys.

FP sat next to them and told Varchie, "Go back inside guys, I want to talk to Lacey." "Ok." Archie says as he & Veronica get up and go back inside, Lacey wouldn't look at FP when he scooted closer to her wrapping his arms around her. Lacey winced trying not to cry, FP noticed that and asked, "What's wrong baby?" "Nothing, I'm tired." Lacey mumbles laying her head on his chest making him smile.

FP held her closer to him and says, "Wanna go lay down with me for a little bit?" Lacey wants to say yes but knows what's going to happen if she does so she says, "No." FP asks, "Why not?" "Because I'm pretty sure something bad is gonna happen if I do... And I don't want anything bad to happen." "What do you mean?" FP asks as Lacey wraps her arms around his waist tightly burying her face into his neck sighing before she says, "You already know, or are going to find out eventually... If Lilah hasn't already ratted us out."

FP tightens his grip on her tightly and lays his forehead on her neck. "I think me Jughead and the Serpents know everything now, so you &  Lilah can stay here with me & Alice again. Will you 2 stay here again with us plz?" FP begs Lacey who feels tears in her eyes again. "Pretty plz baby? C'mon JB said she wanted to meet you, will you at least stay here so you and JB can meet and then if you still want to leave, I'm not going to stop you."

Lacey mumbles, "I guess." FP smiles and says, "Ok, c'mon let's go back inside." They get up and walk back inside sitting on the couch as FP wraps his arm around her waist tightly pulling her closer to him. Jughead noticed that and smiles a small smile before he looks at Charles and says, "So what happens now?" "Gladys and JB are going to stay here with you Betty Alice and FP, Lacey and Lilah also have to stay here so we know that Penny the Ghoulies and Voldemort besides Voldemort's minions don't come after them next or worse Hal Cooper, Kurtz, Chic, & Penelope Blossom." Charles said as Lilah & Lacey look at each other talking to each other with their eyes.

"I know you guys don't want to stay here right now, but you have to. You just have to." Charles continues looking at Lacey and Lilah. "Why should we Voldemort and his minions are just going to find us and torture us." Lilah mumbled avoiding eye contact with him. "Because you 2 are gonna have all of our protection." Sweet Pea says making Lilah look at him.

"Not if Voldemort and his minions do everything that they can to me & Lacey just to get to you guys besides the gang." Lilah says looking at the floor. The gang looked at each other and sighed before Charles asked. "Will it make you & Lacey feel better if we stayed here with you?" "Not really because they'll probably get parentdale too..." Lacey says as Lilah nods saying, "You guys don't know what Voldemort & Voldemort's death eaters are capable of, not like me & Lacey."

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now