Ch. 86

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"So it's not Gladys & Hiram's fault that they and Penny got mixed up in the middle of it, when it's all Voldemort and death eaters fault besides Donna's grandma, Donna Brett & the Stonewall Preppies." Lacey says looking at Jughead who looked back at her and says. "Y'know Charles, they have a point." "Yeah, I know that now." Charles replied.

Later that week, Lacey was in class when the classroom door opened and principal Whetherbee walked in with Megan & Chloe, telling the teacher that they were her new students in class and then he left, Lacey bit her lip wishing Lilah and the gang was in the class with her, Blaise Draco & Theo looked at each other before they looked at Lacey who was trying not to cry gripping her pencil tightly, after class, Lacey walked to the gang's lockers, she pulled Lilah into a closet saying, "I need to tell you something." Lacey says as the closet door opened revealing Sweet Pea and Fangs walking in standing in front of the door.

"What's up?" Lilah asked as Sweet Pea holds her against his chest with his arms around her waist making her smile a little, Fangs and Lacey look at each other and smirk 😏 before Lacey tells them more importantly Lilah about Megan & Chloe being in the same class with her Blaise Draco & Theo. "Are- are you serious?!" Lilah almost screamed. "I'm not going to lie to you." Lacey says walking out of the closet and sees Bughead Varchie Choni Kevin Reggie & Joaquin, Lacey jumps on Jughead's back making him laugh and hold her tightly, as they walk to their lunch table, Fangs sat beside her as Sweet Pea & Lilah sat in front of them, the gang sat beside and in front of them too.

Blaise Draco & Theo walked up to them and Draco said. "Hey guys, can we borrow Lacey for a few minutes?" Lacey looked at them before seeing Jughead looking at her with a raised eyebrow before he said. "You have 10 minutes." "We only need 5." Theo said as Lacey gets up and follows them to their lunch table and as soon as she sat down, Blaise says, "Are you ok? We're only asking because after what happened in class today... well y'know..." "I'm fine, but if you 3 really want to be my friend again... You're NOT going to tell the Serpents Kevin Reggie Betty Varchie or Lilah anything, got it?!." Lacey says staring at the table. "We promise, we won't tell them anything." Draco said as Theo grabs her hand and rubs it gently, making her pull away from the table. "Ok, so bye." Lacey says getting up, wiping her eyes going back to the gang's table feeling nauseous, she buries her face into Fangs's lap trying so hard not to cry.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now