Ch. 135

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Lacey got the blindfold took off of her when she arrived at the kidnappers house. "Hi Lacey, remember us?" 2 figures stood in front of her and she looks at them and one of them untied her from the chair and says, "I'm Donna and that's Brett, we're the ones that have been texting you about Jughead and all that other drama." "Ok, why'd you kidnap me?" Lacey asked, looking at them while Donna and Brett look at each other and burst out laughing before Brett said, "We had to because if we didn't, then we'd get into trouble with our leader."

"Who's your leader?" Lacey asked them. "I am." Narcissa Malfoy stood in the doorway looking at Lacey who's eyes widen and she said. "I thought you left, when Voldemort died and the rest of the death eaters went back to the wizarding world?" "Oh, I did. But I came back when I heard that Draco Blaise and Theo gave you and Lilah a black & green Slytherin snake necklace that's worth a fortune. So here's the deal, you and Lilah can give me and Donna's grandma the necklaces and I'll let you go, or don't and I'll keep you here and I'll torture you & your friends so you decide. Until then tell us this drama or I'm going to hit you and there's nothing you can do about it." Narcissa said walking into the room smirking as Lacey sighs knowing that everything bad happening is all her fault once again.

FP's new house, the Serpents and the gang sat there telling Sweet Pea and Lilah what happened when they got back, and Lilah said, "If you already have Lacey's necklace, then here's mine." She hands it to FP who grabs it and said, "I just realized that on the back of the note, it says we can only go on Friday to get Lacey back and to give the necklaces to whoever kidnapped Lacey."

"I don't think so, I'm going to go get some help, let's go Sweet Pea now!!! You guys can come with us if you want, I don't really care." Lilah muttered opening the door again walking out with Sweet Pea and the gang behind her. Lilah took them to Draco Blaise and Theo's house, that they got after Voldemort died and the rest of the death eaters went back to the wizarding world with the Golden Trio. "Where are we?" Jughead asked as they followed Lilah to the other side of the road. "Blaise Draco and Theo's new house that they bought after Voldemort died and the death eaters went back to the wizarding world, Blaise Draco & Theo besides Wormtail & Yaxley stayed here in Riverdale." "Cool." Kevin and Reggie said. After Lilah and the gang talked Blaise Draco & Theo into helping them to rescue Lacey, they have a plan and they're starting it tomorrow after school and when FP gets off work.

That night at Thistle house, Jughead was laying on the bed with Cheryl on top of him, Veronica and Toni were on either side of him and they were all watching TV when Jughead sighs rubbing his face and said. "Get off me Cher." "Ok." Cheryl said getting off him, Jughead gets up with his phone going to the bathroom texting Lacey. ⬇️⬇️⬇️


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Jughead sighs running his hands through his hair and walked back to Cheryl's room laying on the bed with them and he sighs again closing his eyes as his girls are already asleep

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Jughead sighs running his hands through his hair and walked back to Cheryl's room laying on the bed with them and he sighs again closing his eyes as his girls are already asleep.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now