Ch. 148

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"Bend over that table now." Jughead growls lowly looking at Lacey who eyes widen and she does what he said. "What?!?!" She exclaimed "You heard me, now do what I said, or else." Jughead says smirking as Cheryl starts rubbing his shoulders tightly before kissing him passionately going down to his jaw and then to his neck. "Ok..." Jughead chuckles and grabs another spoon and starts spanking Lacey with it. "Ow!! Why are you spanking me?" She asked as Jughead just chuckles again not saying a word until 5 minutes later. "Just shut up and take it!!!!" Jughead growls still spanking Lacey hard for a few more minutes before he stops and puts the spoon down on the table and says, "Go back to the living room."

Later that night FP & Lacey were laying in bed watching TV when FP pulled her closer to him and he said, "What happened today in the kitchen?" Lacey tensed up and says, "Jughead spanked me & Lilah and we don't know why, but it hurt and it still does." FP smirks and pulled her closer to him where she's sitting on his lap and he rubs her thighs gently and said, "I know why Jughead did what he did, but I can't say anything right now. You're gonna have to figure it out yourself, but don't worry I'll make you feel better princess." Lacey buried her face into his chest and FP laughs flipping them over and whispers, "Wanna have some fun?" Lacey smirks a little making FP smirk back.

The next day at Penelope's brothel, she & Alice had more and more customers coming to visit and stay with them for a few weeks. "So how many people do we have checked in?" Alice asked as she sat on the couch with Ava in her lap cuddling into her. "Well, considering that we might need a whole new building, there's a lot." Penelope says as Ava's friends walk in the room and Brynlee said, "Betty Archie and Polly escaped." Alice tenses up and Ava must've noticed that because Ava hugged her tightly, Alice & Penelope look at each other before Penelope says, "Alright, that's ok... We'll deal with that later, but for now what do you guys want to eat? And go ask the other girls."

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now