Ch. 33

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"What just happened?" FP asks. "I don't know." Jughead says as he & Betty get up following the girls. When they caught up with them, Jughead trapped Lacey & Lilah between him, Betty and a wall. "What happened back there?" Jughead asks looking at Lacey who wouldn't look at him. "Girls c'mon talk to us." Betty says looking at Lilah who saw Wormtail & Yaxley from the corner of her eye, she nudged Lacey pointing to Wormtail and Yaxley.

"We'll be back." Lilah said before she and Lacey ran up to Wormtail and Yaxley, Yaxley holding a shovel and Lacey grabbed it hitting him with it and Lilah tackled Wormtail to the ground. Betty & Jughead's eyes widen and they ran to where Lacey and Lilah was, "Uh guys?" Kevin asked. "What's going on?" Reggie asked, Bughead Lacey & Lilah turned around seeing Varchie Kevin Reggie Choni Sweet Pea Fangs & Joaquin besides FP & Alice standing there.

FP and Lacey make eye contact and he smirked before he says, "Get those 2 and let's go to the Whyte Wyrm now." Lacey drags Yaxley while Lilah holds  Wormtail tightly dragging him too. "Y'know guys we have our motorcycles, you can put them there." Fangs said. "We got this Fangs." Lacey says as she & Lilah walk faster than the gang, they get to the Whyte Wyrm first. "Let's go inside." Lilah says opening the door, holding Wormtail tightly so he doesn't run, the gang get there in the next few minutes, Varchie got there 1st. "So who are these 2 guys?" Veronica asked.

"You'll find out soon enough." Lilah smirks smacking Wormtail upside the head and whisper yells. "What were you idiots thinking!?!?!!" Wormtail answered back, "It's not our fault, we were just doing what Voldemort said."  "And what was that? Make something bad happen in Riverdale and it'll still be mine & Lilah's fault like everything else is." Lacey says kicking him hard making him fall on the ground as Bughead Choni Sweet Pea Fangs Joaquin Reggie Kevin and Falice walk in the door FP closing it behind him locking it. "Yeah pretty much." Lilah says sarcastically also kicking him hard.

The gang glared at Wormtail & Yaxley before FP said, "Who are you? Why are you here? And why were you carrying shovels?" Lacey & Lilah glare at Wormtail, Lacey kicks him again and whisper yells. "Answer him or so help me I'll do much worse than just kick you." Archie chuckled while Veronica looks at Lacey & Lilah shocked, Lilah sees Veronica look at them from the corner of her eye and smirks. "My name is Wormtail & this is Yaxley." Wormtail says motioning to Yaxley laying on the floor unconscious. "Ok so we know you're names now, but why are you here and why were you carrying shovels that made Lacey hit Yaxley with it." Jughead asks looking at Wormtail.

"Because we have a job to do and if we don't do it, we're going to get hurt or worse killed." Wormtail continues looking at Lacey & Lilah, they looked at him for a few minutes before they got up and went behind the counter sitting on the floor rocking back and forth, the gang watched their whole movement. Cheryl says looking at Wormtail and then at Yaxley who was waking up and looked confused. "Tell us about your job or I'm going to hit you with a bow and arrow & I don't miss. I only miss when I mean too." "Wormtail where are we? This isn't the diner that Blaise Draco & Theo told us about or described to us." Yaxley said standing up and his eyes widen seeing people he's never seen before.

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