Ch. 119

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Stonewall Prep School in Donna Sweet's dorm room.

"Brett, we have a problem." Donna said walking into her room where Joan and Jonathan were sitting in with Mr. DuPont. "What's the problem Donna?" Mr. DuPont asked. "My grandma just called me to tell me that her friend Narcissa and all of her other friends have to go back to the wizarding world because apparently Voldemort's dead now because of Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and our 2 favorite people who is still friends with Jughead Jones." "Who??" Brett asked. "Lacey Carter & Lilah Hudson." Donna says smiling sarcastically. "Then, we need a plan." Brett says as he Donna and Mr. DuPont come up with a plan to destroy Jughead and his friends especially Jughead, Lacey & Lilah.

Back in Riverdale, Lacey, Lilah, and the gang where at school, when Lacey gets a text from an anonymous number. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

When Lacey gets out of class, and she sees the gang most importantly Jughead in the hallway, she grabs his hand and leads them to a supply closet closing the door and locking it

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When Lacey gets out of class, and she sees the gang most importantly Jughead in the hallway, she grabs his hand and leads them to a supply closet closing the door and locking it. "What's up bestie?" Jughead asked as Lacey starts pacing back and forth before she opens her text from Donna and Brett letting Jughead read it, he grabs it reading it. "Let me know what else they say, whenever they text you again ok? I want you to keep me updated Lace." "Ok." Lacey says as she unlocked the door and walked out of the closet putting her phone back up, as they leave school. Lacey goes to Fangs's trailer with him and they sit on the couch watching Psych & Monk on Amazon Prime. "If Shawn & Gus are are private psychic detectives, then why is Shawn lying to Chief Vick, Juliet, and head detective Lassiter aka Lassie about Shawn being psychic?"

"I'm not sure, but it's hilarious besides Shawn & Gus are my favorite characters on Psych and #shulesforever." "What is Shules?" Fangs asked confused and Lacey says, "Shules is Shawn & Juliet's ship name." "Oh, ok." Fangs says as they laugh and Fangs also asked, "What about Monk?" "Monk is about this OCD defective detective and I ship Monk and his assistant Natalie." "Ok!! & um... Why?!" Fangs asked. "Because I just do!!!!" As they hear a knock on the door and it opened with Jughead and his girls walking in with Lilah & Sweet Pea. "Hey guys." "Hey."

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now