Ch. 161

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As soon as they went to the Whyte Wyrm, they walked in & Lilah found her bag where she left it, then they left and Lilah said. "Let's go to the house where Charles went." "Ok."

That night at FP's house, FP put the potion that Draco Blaise and Theo gave him into her drink when they were eating dinner. It took a few hours for the potion to kick in, when it did Lacey started whining and whimpering about anything and everything and then she told FP a bunch of stuff that she didn't think she would tell him or the gang. FP laughs and says. "So what happened Lace?" "I told you already." Lacey says giggling, not knowing that the potion is making her like this, FP keeps laughing before he asked. "Wanna go lay down and cuddle?" He pulled her closer to him and Lacey still laughing mumbled, "I miss Jughead." FP sighs and says, "Yeah, I know baby, the whole gang misses Jughead, but ever since he started dating Choni & Veronica, Jughead's been occupied with them."
Lacey keeps whining about how she misses Jughead. FP sighs pulling out his phone calling Jughead who picked up a few seconds later, FP told him what happened and then he told FP that he'll be over in a few minutes.

Later that night at around 11:00 is when Jughead showed up to FP's house,  FP explained to him what happened and Jughead went to FP's room and crawled into bed with Lacey who was already asleep and he pulled her closer to him and whispers. "I'm right here Lace, I'm not going anywhere." Then he fell asleep with Lacey cuddled into him, FP looked at them through the doorway and smiled before he went back to the living room and turned the TV on.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now