Ch. 74

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The next morning, Lacey & Lilah woke up with a hangover, they groaned as FP walked in the room and sat on the bed with them jumping on it a little saying. "Wake up girls, time to get up." "Go away."  The girls mumbled looking at him. FP smirks and says "Theo's here besides Draco & Blaise, they spent the night with me and the Serpents last night, they were here last night, while you 2 walked in looked at us before bursting out laughing then you came up here last night & crashed. We'll (looks at Lacey) talk about that later, but for now get up and let's go! If you're not down in the kitchen in 5 minutes, I'm going to get a glass of water and pour it all over you." "Ok fine we're up!! See we're up." Lilah says not looking at him before Lacey mumbles. "Don't understand why we have to get it up we don't even have school until tomorrow." FP said. "Quit whining and let's go!! We're going to the Whyte Wyrm."

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now