Ch. 62

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The next morning, like FP said last night that the 1st thing in the morning, they were going back to the Whyte Wyrm, the Serpents Lacey & Lilah walked in the basement of the Whyte Wyrm. Lacey & Lilah look at each other before they both sit on each side of Flint who's beside Crabbe & Goyle and Lilah says. "Can all of you leave the room including Wormtail & Yaxley? Plz me and Lacey want to talk to Flint Crabbe & Goyle privately so could you guys plz leave? We'll be ok I promise." The Serpents look at each other before Sweet Pea said, "Yeah ok, if you 2 need us, we'll be playing pool or sitting on the bar stools."

"Ok, bye guys." Lilah says watching all of them leave and as soon as the door closed, Lacey and Lilah turned to Crabbe Goyle and Flint. "Alright, what do you guys want this time." Lacey asks them, glaring at Flint who laughs and says. "Voldemort said to get the drugs for Penny (because that's the job she was gonna make Lacey do.) or else the Southside Serpents are going to be-" (Flint uses his finger to make a line under his neck). "Ok we'll try to get the fizzle rocks, but--" Lilah gets cut off by Lacey who was still glaring at Flint growled. "Leave the Serpents especially FP & Jughead out of this or so help me I will literally kill you with my bare hands." "We'd like to see you try." Crabbe laughed as Goyle sneered at her. Lilah grabbed their shirts making them shut up and she growls, "Don't test us, because we will and we'll make it look like an accident. So if we were you 3 I'd shut the hell up!!!"

Flint Crabbe & Goyle look at each other before Flint says. "Ok, we'll stop but y'know if you two hate me like you hate etc, then tell me why when I first got to Riverdale, when I walked into the blue house with a black fence and red roses. Tell me why, when you 2  saw me and ran to hug me if you hate me now because I'm trying to figure that out." "It was all an act." Lacey says getting her pocket knife out that Jughead told her & Lilah to use whenever the Serpents or Varchie Kevin & Reggie weren't around.

"Yeah, it was all an act Flint, but don't worry that'll never happen again after what we found out last night." Lilah said getting her own pocket knife out. "What'd you find out last night?" Goyle asked smirking but stopped when Lacey pointed her pocket knife at him and said. "That's none of your business, but here's the thing. You guys might've won every battle in the wizarding world, but in the muggle world especially here in Riverdale your magic is no use even if you try to use it, it's not going to work." "So try to use magic and see what happens because in the muggle world you, death eaters, & Voldemort are going to lose." Lilah said as she & Lacey walked back up the stairs opening the door, slamming it shut walking to the table where the gang are sitting.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now