Ch. 91

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"Is there a reason why Bughead & Varchie broke up?" Joaquin asked as he and Sweet Pea look at Veronica. "Because, we're just better off as friends." Betty says. "Yeah, we are just better off as friends." Archie and Jughead agreed before Jughead got up and walked out of the lounge too.

Jughead caught up with Lacey and Lilah who were standing near their lockers and he asked. "You 2 ok?" "Yeah, we're fine." Lacey says trying to stop laughing. "Ok, so now since you 2 know that Bughead and Varchie are broken up for good now, let's see what happens next." Jughead says as Lacey & Lilah look at each other biting their lip trying not to burst out laughing again, after school, the gang went to the Whyte Wyrm, Lacey & Lilah were already in a booth in the back when Choni Kevin Fangs & Reggie sat with them.

"Ok, so since the Core 4 broke up, but they're still friends, you 5 need to help me & Toni with making a move on Jughead." Cheryl said looking at her red nails. "Uh... Ok." Kevin says as Lilah says. "Fine." "But remember, it's our little secret." Toni says, before she continues, "Lace, Jughead might be your best friend and his dad might be your boyfriend, but don't tell them anything!!! Or you're going to regret it." Toni says seriously. "Don't worry, I WON'T tell FP & Jughead anything anyway I got to go so bye." Lacey got up from the booth and left the Whyte Wyrm.

The blue house with a black fence and red roses appeared in front of Lacey, she took a deep breath before walking in saying. "I'm here, idiots." Voldemort and death eaters walked out from one of the guest rooms and Voldemort said, "Ahh, good. Do you want some butter-beer?" "S-sure?" Lacey says confused before she sat on the dark green couch, one of the death eaters came back to the living room and hands her 3 bottles of her favorite kind of butter-beer. "Thanks Clay." Lacey mumbled. "Your welcome." He mumbled back. "Ok, so we need to get straight to business, I know that me & death eaters besides you & Lilah have been on bad terms ever since-- well y'know before you moved out of Hogwarts, & went somewhere, where no one knew you 2 and all of that, but we just found out something & we need all the help that we can get." Lacey sat there looking at him before she said. "What does that have to do with anything, and what kind of help?"

"The Golden Trio/ the Gryffindor house including Professor McGonagall is out to get all of us Slytherins including Snape again & also Slytherin house." Voldemort said putting his hands down on the table in front of him breaking it in half before he got his wand and fixed it back together, Lacey scoffed before she said. "After all the stupid crap that you've done to me, Lilah, & all of our new friends. You want me to help you?! Sorry, but no. I'm not going to help you and you can't make me either."

"Well, I would've asked Penny and the Ghoulies to help us, but they don't know anything about the stuff that you & Lilah do besides Draco Theo Blaise Wormtail and Yaxley." Voldemort said making Lacey look at him, and she noticed tears in his eyes and she furrowed her eyebrow and says standing up. "The old Lacey would've helped you, despite all the stuff that you've done, but this new Lacey is saying no. You & death eaters got yourself into the mess, you can get yourself out." Lacey says walking out the house and going back to the Whyte Wyrm seeing FP & Jughead at the counter with Hog-Eye, she walked up to them and hugged FP from behind making him smile and say. "Hey princess." "Hey."

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now