Ch. 5

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As soon as the door slammed shut behind her, Lacey started crying hysterically walking to Sweet-Water River sitting on a rock.

Back at Cheryl's House, everybody looked at the door and then at each other before Bughead, Varchie, Lilah, Reggie, Kevin, and the Southside Serpents including Toni got up and left to go find her, Blaise Draco & Theo looked at each other and smirked knowing that part of their plan is working.

"Ok do any of you know what that was back there?!" Jughead asks as he and etc started walking around town. (Except Fangs who had his motorcycle) looking for Lacey but couldn't find her until Sweet Pea said. "No, but let's go check Sweet-Water River." They go to Sweet-Water River and find Lacey sitting on a rock with her knees up to her chest and her face buried into her arms. Sweet Pea, Fangs, & Joaquin sigh and sit beside her, Fangs pulled her in for a hug and she started crying hysterically again. Jughead looks at them and sits beside them on the grass and says. "If you guys tell me what's going on, I promise I won't tell FP anything. As long as you tell me and if you don't, I'm going to tell him everything about what happened tonight. So you have a choice, talk to me or I can bring FP into this."

Joaquin and Sweet Pea look at Jughead. "Now's not the time, but we promise to tell you everything when we know everything." Fangs said getting up with Lacey carrying her to his motorcycle, making her hold his waist tightly driving off. "C'mon guys, let's go to the Whyte Wyrm." Joaquin said getting up with Fangs as they started walking with Reggie Lilah Kevin Toni Varchie and Bughead following them, they arrive at the Whyte Wyrm when Jughead opened the door, he sees FP at the bar talking to Hog-Eye.

"Crap." He muttered looking at the gang. "If FP asks where Lacey is tell him she's spending the night with me besides Lilah and she went home to get some stuff." Toni says. "Ok, but Lilah's here." Jughead says motioning to Lilah who says. "I'll go get some stuff but me and Lacey already have a bunch of clothes at Toni's house." Everybody looked at Toni who shrugged. "It's the truth, because we have fun and we talk about FP and the guy that Lilah has a crush on." Toni smirks as Lilah blushes.

"Who is it?" Reggie teases. "Sweet Pea." Toni and Kevin said together. "Oh ok." Varchie said as Fangs and Joaquin walk up to them with FP who says. "Hey guys, did the party end early, and where's Lacey?" "Lacey and Lilah are spending the night with me tonight, and Lacey went home to get some stuff to answer your question, we left early because we got bored." Toni said sassily as she and Lilah walked out of the Wyrm.

FP smirks watching them walk out before he turned to Bughead Varchie Kevin Reggie Sweet Pea and Joaquin. "I want the truth now, and where's Fangs?" FP says sternly, crossing his arms. Jughead says rubbing his face before he says. "Ok let's go." They walk upstairs to FP's office where Jughead comes up with a lie to tell him, before he tells FP the truth after he finds out himself what's going on from Sweet Pea, Fangs, and Joaquin.

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