Ch. 47

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Sweet Pea's Trailer/ Sweet Pea's POV
After the Serpents saw Lacey drag Fangs outside of the Whyte Wyrm, Jughead asked Lilah if everything was ok, she said yeah and then she grabbed my hand and dragged me back to my trailer. We saw FP Jughead Betty Joaquin and the rest of the Serpents watching us and as me and Lilah walked back to my trailer, we saw Lacey and Fangs leaning against a tree talking. I know that me and Lilah are just friends, and I'm not going to admit it to anybody else, but I like Lilah more than a friend no best friend should. I like Lilah, and I'm pretty sure that she likes me too.

Fangs's POV
After Lacey & Lilah walked out of the basement at the Whyte Wyrm, Jughead asks them if everything was ok, Lilah said yeah and held onto Sweet Pea's hand while Lacey grabbed mine and dragged me outside and now we're leaning against the tree closer to the trailer park. I know Sweet Pea doesn't want people to know, but I have a feeling that Lilah likes Sweet Pea and that Sweet Pea likes her back, but neither one of them are saying anything about it, because they don't want to ruin their friendship. Anyway... Lacey was telling me what Wormtail & Yaxley said and then she told me what they wanted help with it since Lacey doesn't talk to Blaise Draco & Theo anymore, I told her that me and Sweet Pea would do it, now me and Lacey are on our way to Sweet Pea's trailer so we can tell Sweet Pea & Lilah what's gonna happen now.

3rd POV
Lacey and Fangs got to Sweet Pea's trailer and they-- well Fangs opened the door and locked it behind him and Lacey. "Hey guys, what a great surprise!!" Sweet Pea said sarcastically before he starts laughing making Lacey Fangs & Lilah laugh before Fangs said, "Ok Sweets listen, Lacey told me what Wormtail & Yaxley told them and since they don't talk to Blaise Draco & Theo anymore, I told Lacey that me and you would talk to them. Are you in?"

Sweet Pea looks at Fangs and says, "Well of course, they know we'd do anything for them." Sweet Pea playfully hits Lilah making her blush and Fangs saw that smirking a little. "But guys--- listen me & Lilah have to come with you, because we know where they are and you don't and we don't want anything bad to happen to you guys and you have to get the other Serpents too even if it's not FP at least get Jughead & plz plz plz plz be careful plz." Lacey says making Fangs look at her and he nods grabbing her hand and says, "Y'know we will."

Lilah looks at them before she makes Sweet Pea look at her and says, "So do you guys want to go now, or wait until tomorrow?" "Let's wait until tomorrow, ok girls." Sweet Pea said. "Ok, so it's too late to go back to Falice's house, so can we stay here plz?" Lilah asked Sweet Pea who smirks and nods pulling her closer to him and they sat there whispering to each other and they start laughing, Lacey looks at Fangs and drags him to the kitchen closing the door and she said, "I think... I'm pretty sure that Lilah likes Sweet Pea and that he likes her back... but I'm not sure, I thought I'd tell you." Fangs looked at her and smirked. "So I'm not the only one  who sees it then?" "No." Lacey says as they start laughing but stop when they hear a knock on the door, they walked out of the kitchen and see the Serpents including FP standing there before Jughead says, "Are you going to invite us in or not?"

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