Ch. 15

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Lacey & Lilah walked closer to the voice Lacey asked with venom in her voice. "What are you doing here? It's already bad enough that Wormtail Yaxley Blaise Draco & Theo are here." The voice laughed and walked to them sitting on the chair with his minions following him. "We came to show you something and we have some confessions to make." The voice said as two of his minions gave Lacey & Lilah chairs and some butter-beer. "Let's drink some of these, before me and death eaters start telling the truth." Voldemort said glaring at Lacey and then noticed Lilah.

"Lilah, long time no see." Lilah glares at Voldemort and says calmly. "GO TO HELL!!!" Voldemort smiles and sits back down turning the TV on as his minions bring a tray full of butter-beer from out of the kitchen putting it on the table and Voldemort said, "Let's get started, shall we." Lacey looks at Lilah who's still glaring at Voldemort before they turned their attention to the TV seeing how Riverdale looked like when they moved there. "We're going all the way up to the beginning until now."

The door opened again with Blaise &  Draco walking in the living room. "Hey." "Blaise?" Lacey says looking at them. "Yeah?" Lacey takes a deep breath and says, "Will you stay here and watch it with me & Lilah?" "Yeah sure, but only if this is the start of us becoming friends again." "I'll think about it." Lacey smiles and Blaise smiles back saying, "That's all I ask." sitting beside her & Lilah after he grabbed a chair.

The first video wasn't so bad, not like the next one Lacey has to watch and the other ones after that in the next few days. "So I'll show you the next video Friday night." Voldemort said as Lacey and Lilah get up ready to walk out the door before Lacey says, "Blaise, if you want, you can come sit & hangout with me and Lilah at lunch at school if you want to." "Ok, but how about this, how about you 2 talk to me at school for the rest of the week and then next Monday, I'll come sit with you guys at lunch or vise versa."

"Y'know, that'll work Zabini." Lilah says as he smirked and said. "Ok good to know." Lilah smirks back before she says. "Where's my idiotic brother?" "Oh you mean Theo?" Draco asked as Lacey choked on butter-beer. "Yeah Malfoy, I'm talking about Theo." Lilah says sassily. The door opened again and a voice that Lilah thought she'd never hear again said. "Lilah, it's been a long time since I've seen you last." Lacey and Lilah look at Theo who just walked in the front door with Wormtail and Yaxley. "It has hasn't it?" Lilah said not taking his eyes off of him while she says. "Lacey, if you're leaving now, go on without me, I'll see you and the gang later, right now I have some business to take care of." Lilah says staring Theo down and Theo wraps her into a hug squeezing her.

Lacey and Blaise look at each other before Lacey says, "I'll see you tomorrow at school and don't worry, if I see you in the hall, I'll say hi, wave or slap you ok?" "Ok bye." "Bye." Then Lacey leaves without Lilah. Not noticing that some older Serpents Mustang Mark & Dave were down the road seeing and hearing everything and that they're going to tell FP & Jughead everything that they heard and saw, since Dave lives there and they were on the front porch talking.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now