Ch. 51

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Cheryl opened the basement door seeing Wormtail and Yaxley look at them before Yaxley said. "Oh, so you guys are back?" "Yeah we just came to tell you that you should know something." Lilah answers as she feels Choni squeeze her and Lacey's hand gently. "We should know what?" Wormtail asked looking at her. "You 2 should know that Flint's back and--" Lacey got cut off by Wormtail and Yaxley burst out laughing and FP asked. "What's so funny?" "We're sorry, but... Do you honestly think that you 2 can still trust Flint after 2 years of not seeing him? That and well... If you can't trust your old close friends aka us, who can you trust?" Yaxley asked as he and Wormtail burst out laughing again.

Lacey and Lilah look at each other before Lilah says. "What do you mean?" "We mean, you might've could trust your old friends from 2 years ago if you stayed with them, but since you 2 moved away. Not everything or anybody is who you still think they are, and that includes really old close good friends too like Flint." Wormtail says as Yaxley nods saying, "It's the truth." Choni and FP look at each other with raised eyebrows as Lacey asked. "Do you 2 know something about Flint that we don't?"

"No, we're just saying that, if you and Lilah can't trust us or Blaise, who can you trust?" Wormtail says. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but you have a point there Wormtail." Lilah says as she pulls Cheryl with her to sit beside him as Lacey pulled Toni to sit beside Yaxley and Choni wrap their arms around Lacey and Lilah's waist as they sat on their laps. FP says, "Is there anything else you 2 want to tell Lacey & Lilah? If not, we're leaving." "Yeah, one more thing." Yaxley said."What?" Lacey says looking at him.

"If Flint's back, then don't act so surprised, if some other people decide to show up out of the blue too. Like me and Yaxley are already here, so is Draco Blaise and Theo and now Flint. So if uh Crabbe & Goyle decide to show up out of the blue next, well..." Wormtail says looking at Lacey and Lilah before Lilah says, "If that happens, we'll come tell you that too." "Alright, we're done here." Yaxley said. "You guys can go now." Wormtail says before he continues, "But be warned, ppl from 2 years ago, may not be who you thought they were or you two still think they are, because ppl can change." Lacey & Lilah nod as they get up with Choni and FP walking up to the bar of the Whyte Wyrm.

"Alright girls, what was that?" Toni asked as she still held Lacey's hand gently. "What do you mean?" Cheryl asked as she held Lilah's hand tightly rubbing it a little bit. "When Wormtail and Yaxley said that--- well what they said about ppl not being who they were 2 years ago and now." Toni asked as she and Cheryl sit at a table with Lacey and Lilah with FP following them and he sits beside Toni who is still holding Lacey's hand. "We don't know what it means, but what we do know, is that I think I'm starting to trust Wormtail & Yaxley again and that scares me a little because me and Lacey haven't seen or talked them in 2 years." Lilah said burying her face into Cheryl's lap as Cheryl plays with her hair gently and softly.

"Lacey, are you starting to trust Wormtail & Yaxley again too?" Toni asked as she pulls her closer to her chest stroking her hair making FP smile and say, "Ok, that's cute." "We know." Choni said as they look at each other and smirk. "Lacey answer them." FP says ruffling her hair. "I don't know yet, maybe." She mumbled.

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