Ch. 173

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"So here's the plan." Betty said as her phone went off, she looks at it raising her brow before she asked the gang. "Why is Veronica & Toni texting me?" "We don't know, just ignore them and tell us the plan." FP said as Lacey's phone dings and she said. "They're texting me now too." "Just answer it Lace." FP said again as Lacey texted Toni & Veronica back ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

Lacey put her phone down on the table after exiting out of the texts and then she buried her face into FP's lap who chuckles and starts playing with her hair

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Lacey put her phone down on the table after exiting out of the texts and then she buried her face into FP's lap who chuckles and starts playing with her hair. "So, what'd they want?" Archie asked the question that the gang was dying to know but didn't dare to ask, Lacey hands him her phone after clicking back on the text.

 "So, what'd they want?" Archie asked the question that the gang was dying to know but didn't dare to ask, Lacey hands him her phone after clicking back on the text

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Archie hands Lacey back her phone and says, "Ok, so we'll go to the Whyte Wyrm tonight at 8 and see what their plan is." "If it's not going to work out, you & Betty especially Betty are my new best friends." "Ok." Barchie said as the front door to FP's house opened and closed with Toni & Veronica walking in and they smirk saying, "Gang, our plan is going to work." "How'd you guys get here?!?!?" Sweet Pea asked. "We walked here." Veronica says as she and Toni sit beside Lacey who scoots over on the couch giving them more room. "Um why?" Reggie asked. "Because Cheryl's acting like a brat again and whenever she does that, Jughead ALWAYS gives her attention and not us, and we're sick and tired of it!!!! We're Jughead's girls too, but obviously he keeps forgetting that!!!" Toni ranted starting to cry leaving the gang confused.

"Ok, don't cry." Kevin said as Veronica starts to cry too. "C'mon girls, plz don't cry." Fangs said, that makes Toni & Veronica cry harder before FP said. "Lace, scoot over and you 2 (he points to Toni & Veronica) c'mere." They look at each other before they did what FP said, he puts them on each side of him and says, "If, Jughead wants to forget about you 2, then you can stay here with me 24/7 on one condition." "What?" The girls asked. "Stop letting Cheryl be mean to us." Joaquin said as Lacey Lilah Kevin Reggie Archie Betty Sweet Pea & Fangs agree with him. "Ok, we'll try." They  said as FP smirks and pulled them closer to him saying, "Good, then as long as you 2 do what we say (points to him, & the gang), we'll have no problem."

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now