Ch. 165

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"It's not Betty's fault!!! Because she & Polly didn't know until a few days ago." Lilah said defending Betty from the gang who are still jaw dropped except for Draco Theo and Blaise. "We don't get it." Draco said. "Yeah, we don't." Blaise said as Theo agreed with him before he smirked and says, "Hey Lace, Lil?!" "Yeah?" They asked looking at him. "Crabbe Goyle & Flint are coming to visit us over the weekend so if you guys want to come over and hangout with us, you can. Besides FP's already coming and so are the Serpents because FP said so." "Ok." The girls said looking at each other before they look at FP with raised eyebrows and he smiles at them.

Jughead & his girls hiding spot near the Whyte Wyrm.
"So, what are we going to do with this information that we just found out about Betty?" Veronica asked Choni as they walked into the living room while Jughead walked into the kitchen for something. "I don't know let's just see what sir says about it." Cheryl said as Jughead walked back in the room with a plate of food. "What I say about what?" Jughead asked sitting on the couch looking at them. "What we found out today about Betty." The girls say sitting beside him on the couch. Jughead keeps eating his food and said, "There's nothing we can do about it girls, so just forget about it." "Ok." Choni and Veronica said looking at each other knowing that they're not going to forget about it.

The next day at school, the gang except for Lacey was in the hall talking against the lockers when Draco Theo & Blaise walked up to them and Blaise said, "Will you guys plz tell FP to leave us alone?!?!?" "Yeah, plz it's so weird." Draco replied. The gang look at each other before they look at the 3 Slytherin snakes and Jughead says chuckling, "I thought you 3 liked my dad hanging out with you?" "We did at first, but now it's getting too weird." Theo said before he continues, "Oh, will you give this to FP whenever you see him later? & tell him that that's the last bottle of the potion." Lilah's jaw dropped before she growled. "Why are you giving FP a potion for?!?!?!" "Because he asked us for one!!!! That's all you need to know bye." Draco Theo & Blaise left after handing the potion to Sweet Pea who grabbed it, looking at it before he asked. "Lil, what the hell is this?!?!?" Lilah grumbled under her breath walking away with Sweet Pea & Jughead following her. "Lilah plz tell us what's going on." Jughead pleaded. "I'll tell you later, but for now I'm taking this." Then she walked away leaving the gang confused.

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