Ch. 38

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"We have to text Fangs, Lacey." Lilah said as they get their phone out texting Fangs Sweet Pea Joaquin and Choni in a group chat. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️


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Lacey put her phone up and says, "Ok, lecture me, Idc anymore

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Lacey put her phone up and says, "Ok, lecture me, Idc anymore." Jughead says, "I'm not going to lecture you, I'm going to talk to you about something. But first (he lifts up her sleeve and looks at the old and new cuts). Why would you do this? When were you going to tell me and the gang about this? When were you going to tell FP about this? Because when he finds out about it, not only is he going to be heartbroken but he's also going to be pissed off. Just- tell me why Lace, plz don't hurt yourself anymore. Plz!!" Jughead says crying hugging Lacey tight crying into her neck softly, seeing Jughead cry makes Lacey cry again.

Back at Falice's house,
Gladys grabbed the pen and signed the divorce papers and threw them at FP saying, "Let's go JB." "No." JB said surprising all of them. " What did you just say?" Gladys growls. "I said no, I'm tired of doing everything for you that's illegal!! I want to be a normal kid again." JB said looking at her while FP sat there shocked and said, "What?!" Alice whose eyes are widening, (she's still in the kitchen) stopped the recording and pushed play on another one.

"Why don't you tell dad the real reason why we're here, because if you don't I will." JB said glaring at Gladys who snarled, "You wouldn't dare!" "Try me." FP looks between them and says, "Tell me the real reason why you're here Gladys or I'll have you put in jail and take JB away from you." Gladys stood there not saying a word.
"Last chance." FP says getting his phone out and going to Charles's contact name pressing it holding his finger on the call button. "Alright that's it!" FP says pressing the green button, holding it to his ear. Gladys's eyes widen and says, "No! Ok I'll tell you everything." FP hears hello on the other end of the line and he mumbled, "I'm gonna need backup for something so can you come over and bring handcuffs with you." "Yeah I'm on my way." Charles told FP ending the call.

FP glares at Gladys and says, "Sit down NOW!!! Tell me everything what JB's talking about or you're going to jail." Gladys sat down and said. "Ok fine, Penny Peabody & the Ghoulies called me and told me that they had a job for me back in Riverdale, they said that I'd get paid some really good money and--" The door bursts open with Charles walking in slamming it shut holding his gun up. Gladys glared at FP and says, "Really, you called." "I needed back up besides you're not only going to tell me what happened, you're also going to tell Charles, Jughead & the Serpents right after I text them." ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

"They're on their way

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"They're on their way." FP says putting his phone in his pocket hearing a knock on the door. "That was quick." Charles says opening the door with the core 4 walking in with Lacey & Lilah. A few minutes later, the Serpents walked in the house too. "Good since, you're all here Gladys can continue the story that she was telling me & Charles." FP said looking at them before his gaze lingered on Lacey holding on to Jughead's arm tightly furrowing his brow. Jughead noticed that he was looking at them and mouths, "We'll talk later." FP nods and continues, "Finish the story Gladys."

Alice turned the recording off and turned her phone off now knowing that the gang's all here except for Kevin & Reggie. "As I was saying," Gladys said looking at all of them before she notices Lacey and she smirks saying, "Remember me?" Lacey looks at her and gets up slapping her across the face hard walking out of the house slamming the door behind her falling on the ground whispering, "Why me, why me, why me, why me." Back in the house FP & Jughead look at each other before FP growls, "Why'd Lacey slap you across the face for?"

"Because mom kidnapped her and threatened her." JB said before continuing, "Since she's taking so long I'm going to tell the story." The gang look at each other before Varchie got up and went outside too, but before Archie could open the door. Veronica says. "Lilah stay, we got this." Veronica tells her before she and Archie left. "Ok, continue." FP tells her calmly glaring at Gladys. "So basically Penny called mom and said that she had a job for her back in Riverdale and said that it was a good one, mom said ok and told Penny that she already had to come back to Riverdale for something else anyway and that's when Penny came to Toledo to pick us up and now we're here."

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now