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As soon as Damon Stefan Elena Bonnie & Caroline left the Whyte Wyrm, Hog-eye said, "Hey FP, didn't that seem weird?" "A little bit, but we don't know them enough to know that though." "That's true, but I'd still check it out." "We're on it." Jughead said as he Sweet Pea Fangs Joaquin Kevin Reggie Betty Veronica Toni Archie & Josie get up and walk out of the Whyte Wyrm following Lacey & Lilah's new friends.

"I bet Carl aka Klaus is already at Draco Theo & Blaise's house." Bonnie said not knowing that Jughead and etc were following them back to Draco Theo & Blaise's house. "Yeah, but look I have the moonstone right here." Damon says pulling it out of his pocket holding it up. "I'll take that!" Katherine Pierce said standing right in front of them. "Katherine." Stefan and Damon growled lowly before Rebekah Elijah Hayley Tyler and Klaus showed up in front of them too. "We'll be taking the moonstone now and then we'll be out of your hair besides bringing Elena with us." Klaus aka Carl said smirking showing his fangs.

The Serpents besides the rest of the gang stood out of the way with their jaw dropped watching the whole thing, Damon growls slamming Katherine against a tree while Stefan grabbed Klaus by his neck. Draco Theo Blaise walked out of the house and saw the scene in front of them and Bonnie yelled. "Guys help me with this spell!!" Blaise Draco & Theo stood beside Bonnie and said the spell with her making all the vampires (except for Elena) and Tyler Lockwood a werewolf hold their ears and fall on the ground. "Get the moonstone back." Stefan said still holding his ears, Elena grabbed it from Katherine and put it in her pocket as Bonnie Draco Theo & Blaise kept doing the spell.

Jughead looks at Sweet Pea Fangs Joaquin Toni Archie Betty Veronica Josie Kevin & Reggie mouthing."What the hell?!?!????" "We have no idea, but it was cool." The gang mouthed back to him and Jughead nods. "Do you have any stakes, vervain or werewolf stuff?" Blaise asked as Bonnie stopped the spell and they all got up off the ground. "Not with us, because we didn't know that we were being followed into Riverdale." Damon says sarcastically getting up off the ground. "Next time, we will." Stefan said looking around before he whispered, "I think FP and etc followed us and they heard & saw everything." "How do you know?" Theo asked him. "Vampire stuff." Caroline/Stefan & Damon said. "Come out, come out wherever you are." Klaus said taunting them. "We just want to talk about what you saw and heard." Stefan said looking at Damon Elena Bonnie & Caroline. "We have to Jones." Sweet Pea said looking at Jughead. "I know, let's go."

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now