Ch. 106

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Cheryl kept standing there trying to figure out if there's anything else she needs to know before she left to go get food from Pop's for her Toni & Jughead, before she went back to Thistle house to tell Toni what she heard at the Whyte Wyrm and also that Veronica is trying to steal Jughead from them.

At Thistle house, Toni was waiting for Cheryl to get back from getting food for them & Jughead when the front door opened, Cheryl walked in with a bunch of food for them. "Hey, what took so long, Jughead texted me and said that he's on his way he'll be here in 30 minutes." Cheryl sat on the couch with Toni and handed her the bags of food saying. "I went to Pop's after I went to the Whyte Wyrm, because I got a text from Reggie to meet him there about something, so I did and--" "What happened Cher?" Toni asked as she notices Cheryl's about to cry. "When I got there, I saw Reggie, Kevin, Fangs, Lacey, Sweet Pea, Lilah, & Joaquin sitting at a table in the back of the room with Veronica and she told them something that I overheard." Cheryl says wiping her eyes with her thumb.

"What'd you hear?" Toni asked gently noticing the door was trying to open and Cheryl says, "I heard Veronica say that she's also liked Jughead too like us and that the only reason she even dated Archie in the 1st place, was because she wanted to make Bughead jealous, because Betty's always had a huge crush on Archie & Veronica has always liked Jughead ever since she moved from New York to Riverdale and that she may or may not make a move on Jughead, and I think that Veronica might even take him away from us and I don't want that to happen because we just got him and this relationship about a week ago & I don't want to lose it or Jughead." Cheryl says as she starts crying hysterically as the door opened, Jughead walked in with FP.

"Hey girls, sorry I'm late, but FP is going to stay here with us tonight, and I also had to tell him about us too." Jughead says looking at Choni and he noticed Cheryl's upset, he sits between them, Cheryl crawls into his lap crying hysterically,  Jughead plays with her hair trying to calm her down, when FP said. "Cheryl if you're crying because you think I'm going to make you 3 break up, I'm not. In fact I think it's kinda cute." FP says sitting on the other side of her. "It's not that." Cheryl said crying into Jughead's shirt as he looks at Toni whispering, "What happened?" Toni shakes her head getting up and walking away making FP look at Jughead who mouths. "Can you go see if Toni's ok, while I stay here with Cheryl?" FP nods getting up following Toni to Cheryl's room. When FP walked in the room, Toni says, "Go away Juggie." FP says, "It's not Juggie, it's FP." "Go away, FP." Toni mumbled before she hid her face into the pillow. "No, not until you & Cheryl tell Jughead what's going on."

Back in the living room, Cheryl was still in Jughead's lap crying when Jughead finally had enough of her crying, he made her look at him and he said, "Quit crying Cher, and tell sir what happened to make you so upset." Cheryl continued to cry before Jughead shut her up by kissing her passionately making her whimper and he kisses down her face towards her neck and he licked it before he gently bit her neck and sucked a hickey into her neck making her groan. "You gonna tell me or not princess?" Jughead asked rubbing his hands up and down her back and shoulders making Cheryl lay on his chest still sitting in his lap and she finally stopped crying. "Tell me or I'm going to punish you." Jughead growled smacking her ass hard making her yelp and she said. "Ok, I'll tell you."

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now