Ch. 149

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"I don't understand why you're so upset?" Sweet Pea said as he and Lilah walk around town not knowing that the Serpents, Betty Archie & Reggie are walking with them. "Hey, guys." Kevin says as he & Josie caught up with them. Lilah looks at them and scoffed before she dragged Sweet Pea into a store and said. "I'm upset that you kissed Josie even though it was a dare." Sweet Pea stares at her for a few seconds before he starts smirking and says. "Are you jealous?" Lilah looks at him not saying anything before Sweet Pea asked again, "Are you jealous Lil? Answer me." Lilah nods and bites her lip before Sweet Pea grabs her hands and starts laughing before he said, "Don't be jealous, like you said it was just a dare."

Lilah looks at him and pushed him against a shelf and says, "Maybe I'm jealous, because I'm in love with you." Lilah says smirking as Sweet Pea starts smirking and says, "What?" "Y-you heard me Sweet Pea." "I know say it again." He moved a piece of hair out of her face. "I'm in love with you." Lilah says looking at him and he smiled saying, "I love you too, I always have." "So, what are we now?" Lilah asked as Sweet Pea wrapped his arms around her waist tightly and said, "Let's be boyfriend & girlfriend for real this time." Lilah smirks and said. "Ok." "C'mon let's go have some fun with the gang at the Whyte Wyrm." Sweet Pea said as they walk out of the store holding hands.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now