Ch. 64

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Jughead's POV
I came back from Stonewall Prep for the weekend to surprise Lacey & Lilah besides Betty and I thought no one was home so I sat on the couch watching TV waiting for my food to get done when I heard a thump upstairs. I furrowed my eyebrows and ran upstairs to Lacey & FP's room to see what the thump was, I tried to open the door but it was locked so I broke it down and what I saw was everything that told me that I needed to leave Stonewall Prep and go back to Riverdale high.

3rd POV
Jughead looked at Lacey laying on the floor with blood all over the floor, he got his phone out calling the ambulance and as they were putting Lacey on the gurney, Lilah Varchie Kevin Reggie and the Serpents besides Betty walked up to Falice's house and stood on the front porch seeing Jughead standing there teary eyed and he gets on his motorcycle and follows the ambulance to the hospital making the gang follow him too, when they get to the hospital. Lacey got took straight to a room quickly getting bandaged up with a blood transfusion hooked up to her since she lost so much blood.

"What's been happening ever since I left Riverdale high to go to Stonewall Prep?" Jughead asked as he the Serpents Kevin Reggie Varchie Lilah and Betty sit in the waiting room seeing Falice walking in a few minutes later and FP demanded. "What happened?" Lilah sighs and tells Jughead everything and he sighs sadly saying, "I'm leaving Stonewall Prep and coming back to Riverdale high, because obviously you 2 especially Lacey need me more than that stupid school." Lilah sits in Jughead's lap and buries her face into his neck and starts to cry, Jughead pulled her closer to him hugging her against him wrapping his arms around her shoulders tightly letting her cry into his neck as he rubs her back gently.

A few hours later, the dr walked out into the waiting room and told the gang that Lacey had to stay in the hospital for the night and that only one person could stay with her all night. "I'll do it." Jughead says as he still has Lilah in his lap wrapping his arms around her waist tighter. "Ok." The dr says about to walk away but stops and says, "You guys can see her now, but only a few at a time not everybody at once." "Ok, me and the Serpents will go first." FP says looking at Jughead and then Lilah smiling sadly before he Sweet Pea Fangs Joaquin & Choni follow the dr to Lacey's room which was 304.

In Lacey's room, she had an IV in her hand and a blood transfusion machine next to her, she had her eyes closed like she was asleep, FP sucked in a breath and sat next to her bed holding her hand tightly but gently as the Serpents sat on the other side of the bed and pulled up some chairs on the other side of the bed. "Lace no. Why did you do this? When did you do this? Why would you want to do this? and why didn't you tell us what's been going on?!." FP says feeling tears in his eyes as he held Lacey's hand tighter but gently. Sweet Pea Fangs Joaquin Toni & Cheryl sat there stunned with tears rolling down their face especially Cheryl, Toni and Fangs gets up walking out the door after looking at Lacey laying there hooked up to about 2 machines. Sweet Pea & Joaquin follow him leaving Choni and FP in Lacey's room, Choni sat really close to her bed, FP held her hand tightly but gently, Choni moved hair out of her face.

"We'll leave you 2 alone." Cheryl said as she and Toni get up and left the room closing the door behind them. FP looks at Lacey while laying his chin on her hand and she jerked a little, after a few minutes she opened her eyes she looked around the room, with her eyes widening and saw the IV in her hand with the blood transfusion machine next to her and she whimpered quietly seeing FP sitting beside her holding her hand with his cheek on her leg with his eyes closed.

"Why didn't it work? I knew no one was home and I also knew that I locked the door too. So why didn't it work?!" Lacey yells at herself in her head starting to cry making FP shoot his eyes open, he holds her hand tighter and says. "Hey baby." "Hi." Lacey says avoiding eye contact with him, FP sighs and says, "You don't have to tell me why you tried to do it, I just want to know that you'll never do this again plz." "I can't promise you that." Lacey says still avoiding eye contact with him. FP sighs again and lays one side of the hospital bed thing down so he can lay beside her and when he gets in bed, he starts to play with her hair and mumbles against her cheek as she closed her eyes again. "I'm gonna make sure that you never have to do this again."

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now