Ch. 118

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(A/N= A little smut, don't like don't read).

Downstairs in Pop's at the speakeasy, Veronica was behind the counter looking over some paperwork when Jughead & Choni besides Kevin Reggie & Fangs walked down the stairs and Jughead said, "Veronica, I wanna talk to you about something, let's go somewhere so we can talk." Veronica looked up saying, "Follow me." They go to a closet in the back of the speakeasy behind the bar, Veronica opened a door with them walking in, and she shut it behind them saying, "What's up Jughead?"

Jughead smirks leaning against the door and says with his arms crossed and says, "A little bird told me that you like me too besides Cheryl & Toni and that you want to be just like them... Is it true?" Veronica looks at him and kisses him passionately making him smirk kissing her back and when they pull away, "Does that answer your question?" "Oh, you're gonna be the death of me just like Choni." Jughead groans attacking her lips again and Veronica smirks rubbing herself all over his clothed cock through his pants, Jughead squeezed her ass hard before smacking it and he growled. "If you can make me cum in 5 minutes, I might let you be like Cheryl and Toni. Deal?"

"Deal." Veronica says getting on her knees pulling on Jughead's pants getting them off and she rubbed his cock up and down gently before sinking her teeth on him making him look at her and smirk moving hair out of her face as she sucks hard and fast as she could. "Mm." Jughead groans as Veronica makes him cum hard and fast down her throat and Veronica stands up saying, "So, am I like Choni or not?" "Yeah, you're definitely going to be like Cheryl and Toni." Jughead says breathing fast playing with her hair again. "Good." Veronica smirks pecking his lips again and whispered in his ear, "I'll make you feel as good as I did Archie." Jughead growled and said, "If, you're going to be with me, like Choni. You're NEVER going to talk to about the ginger or the blonde ponytail ever again, got it?" He says smacking her ass hard. Veronica whimpers and nods saying, "Ok. I won't talk about them anymore, sorry daddy." Jughead smirks and says, "That's a new one, because Choni only call me sir." "Well I'll call you daddy, anytime you want... Daddy." Veronica smirks and Jughead growls again attacking her lips again for the 3rd time that night.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now