Ch 192

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"What the hell Cheryl?!" The gang yelled at her while FP walks back outside leaning against the porch with his arms crossed over his chest. "I just told Lilah the truth it's not my fault if she can't handle it." "If Lacey & Lilah start avoiding us because of what you said, we're done." Jughead said calmly scaring the gang because he's never that calm staring at Cheryl before he Fangs Joaquin & Sweet Pea get up and leave, with the gang except for Cheryl following them.

Blaise Draco & Theo's house,
"So explain this to me again." Draco said as Lacey & Lilah walked back to their house slamming the door open, slamming it back sitting on the couch with Damon Stefan Elena Bonnie Caroline Blaise & Theo, Lacey & lilaht told them everything that Cheryl said.

"Basically ever since me and Lacey moved to Riverdale, everything bad happening is our fault which we knew that, and Cheryl bombshell confirmed it." Lilah says through gritted teeth. "Woah, hey calm down Lil, your Slytherin snake self is coming back to life." Theo said before Lacey snapped, "We don't care anymore, Cheryl just ruined everything for us, so y'know we might go back to the mean evil sneaky Slytherin snakes🐍🖤💚 that we used to be." Lacey sneered making Blaise Draco & Theo drop their cups into the floor.

"A-Are you serious?!???" Blaise asked making Lacey and Lilah look at each other before they smirk and Lilah says. "Hell yeah!!!!" "And it's all Cheryl's fault!!" Lacey sneered again before she mumbles, "Lil, the gang especially the Serpents didn't even do anything, they just sat & stood there." "Yeah I know including Sweet Pea & Fangs." Lilah mumbles back.

A few minutes later, there's a bang on the door, Theo gets up to open it revealing the gang who looks at Lacey & Lilah sitting on the couch not looking at them, the girls get up to go to the kitchen with Damon who gives them butter-beer and bourbon. "So, do you guys wanna tell me Stefan Elena Bonnie & Caroline what's up?" Damon asked as they sat at the table. "It's basically what we told Draco Theo & Blaise." "Yeah, but is there something else?" Damon asked drinking bourbon and Lilah looks at Lacey before she asked, "Can you keep a secret Damon? Besides Stefan Elena Bonnie & Caroline?" "Yeah, we can." Stefan said walking into the kitchen sitting beside them at the table. "Now tell us what's up?" Caroline said as she Elena and Bonnie sat beside him.

"And so that's why everything is all our fault, Cheryl bombshell Blossom just confirmed it." Lacey said before she gets her cup and throws it at the wall letting it break before she burst into tears and Lilah starts to cry too. "C'mon girls don't cry, it's ok. Everything will be ok." Bonnie said as she & Elena gave gave them a hug before Caroline did.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now