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When the vampires except for Elena Bonnie and Tyler besides Draco Theo & Blaise led the Serpents besides Kevin Reggie Josie Betty Veronica & Archie to Klaus's house, they could hear screaming and yelling. "If our girls are hurt anywhere or anything like that, we're going to kill all of you." Jughead yelled at them especially Klaus aka Carl. "Open the door Juggie." Veronica & Toni said staring Rebekah Elena Bonnie Caroline and Hayley down, while the Serpents stared down Damon Stefan Klaus aka Carl Elijah & Tyler down making them uncomfortable especially Klaus aka Carl.

Jughead opens the door seeing the living room empty then they walked to the kitchen seeing that empty too. "Serpents check all the bedrooms, while me and Betty go find Donna & Brett. Reggie Kevin Josie Veronica & Archie help Draco Theo & Blaise find Lacey and Lilah, and if they're hurt in any way or anywhere, if they have cuts or bruises or anything like that. (He looked at the vampires and growled lowly). Make their new friends pay for it, but after we deal with the Ghoulies Charles Chic tall boy Penny and my mom Gladys." The gang and the Serpents agreed before they looked everywhere for Lacey and Lilah, Bughead saw them being tortured in one room by Donna & Brett besides Penny & Gladys.

Jughead growled lowly again before he whispered to Betty, "Let's get behind each of them and knock them out, then we get the girls and get the hell out of here." Betty nods and they walked up behind Donna and Brett knocking them out before they turned on Penny and Gladys knocking them unconscious too and Betty said. "Girls, get up and let's go now." "We can't." Lilah whimpered quietly as Lacey sat there frozen not saying anything. "Can you move at all?" Jughead asked gently. "No, it hurts." Lilah starts to cry making Bughead look at each other before they growl and if looks could kill, they're new friends would be dead. "Go get the gang besides the Serpents now." Jughead mumbles looking at the girls sitting beside them and Lacey bursts out crying putting her face into her hands.

"Where are they?! Are they ok?!" Sweet Pea asked as he and etc walked into the room, Sweet Pea looked at Lilah and then at Lacey and then back to Lilah before he said calmly scaring all of them including himself. "Jones, if you don't kill them especially Klaus, I will and I'll make sure they're dead." "Oh, I've already gotten some ideas in my head, but we're gonna need FP's help besides the rest of Parentdale."

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now