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An hour later, Lacey Lilah & Sweet Pea got a text and they opened it before Sweet Pea said, "We gotta go to the hospital, because Chughead's baby is here now so we'll be back later today, tonight or tomorrow so bye." Then they got up and left to go to the hospital to see the rest of the gang besides Chughead's baby.

At the hospital, most of the gang were already there except for Lacey Lilah Sweet Pea Fangs Joaquin & FP, Kevin & Reggie walk up to them and Kevin said, "Cheryl's sleeping, Jughead has their baby in the room with them Toni & Veronica. "The baby is so cute." Kevin says making them laugh. "Boy or girl? Or What?!?" Lilah asked. "It's a girl and her name is Skye Isabella Jones." Reggie said as Betty Veronica Toni Archie & Jughead walked out of Cheryl's room with Jughead holding Skye to his chest. "Hey guys, meet Skye." Jughead said as Lacey & Lilah were on both sides of him. "She's so cute." Lacey said as Lilah agreed with her. "Yeah, we know." Veronica & Toni said laughing.

After a few hours of hanging out at the hospital, Lacey & Lilah went back to Draco Theo & Blaise's house seeing Damon Stefan Elena Bonnie & Caroline sitting on the couch and Caroline said. "Good, you guys are back, so tell us about your friends like Stefan said earlier." "Ok, but first can we ask why?!?!???" Lilah asked staring them down before looking at Blaise who shrugs and said. "Just answer them." "Ok?!" Lacey said sitting on the couch with Lilah beside her. "So, there's Archie, Betty, Veronica, Jughead, Cheryl, Toni, Kevin, Reggie, Sweet Pea, Fangs, Joaquin & Josie." Lilah says. "Ok."

A few days later, Carl aka Klaus with Penny Gladys The Ghoulies Charles Chic & Tall boy's help, went to go see Donna Brett & Narcissa. "Ok, so why would I kidnap my kid and his friends just because you guys are mad at Lacey & Lilah?" Narcissa asked the Ghoulies Penny Gladys tall boy and Charles/Chic. "Because we want revenge for the Golden trio and Lilah killing Voldemort and making the rest of the deatheaters leave Riverdale." Penny said smirking making tall boy Gladys & The Ghoulies laugh evilly. "If I do this, what's in it for me?" Narcissa asked making The Ghoulies Charles Chic Tall boy Gladys & Penny smile.

Klaus said. "We'll give you anything you 3 want, besides I have some friends that just moved to Riverdale too a few days ago, & I'm going to take my revenge on them while these (points to the gang beside him). take revenge on Lacey & Lilah and no one not even their friends can save or help them." Donna & Brett look at each other before they both get out their phones and text Lacey so she can warn Lilah and etc because they've taken a liking to them. "We're in." Narcissa said making all of them smile.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now