Ch. 107

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The next day at school, Lacey was in her class with Draco Blaise & Theo when the teacher said that they could have free time when they got all their work done, Blaise Draco & Theo walked to Lacey's desk. "So wanna talk?" Draco asked as they sit beside and in front of Lacey's desk making her look at them. "Talk about what?" Lacey asked making Blaise and Theo smile and Draco continues. "Let's talk about... we don't know, but wanna talk about this rumor we've been hearing?" "What rumor?" Lacey asked hoping it's not about Jughead and Choni. "We heard a rumor that you & FP broke up for good this time like Archie, Jughead, Betty & Veronica, is it true?" Blaise asked. Lacey bit her lip and sighs before she said, "Yeah, it's true." "Wanna tell us what happened?" Theo asked looking at her. "Not really." Lacey mumbled avoiding eye contact with them for the rest of class.

After that class was over, Lacey walked slowly to her locker, she sighed opening it before putting her books in it closing it back going to the cafeteria not noticing that the gang including Barchie were walking behind & beside her until Jughead pulls her aside, she looks at him before he whispered. "You ok?" Lacey nods trying to walk away, but Jughead pulls her back to him and says. "I don't believe you, you're staying with me for the rest of the lunch period." "Ok." Lacey sighs as Jughead puts his arm around her and they walk to the cafeteria.

"Ok, so what's up?" Jughead asked as he sits beside Lacey at a lunch table with Choni in front of them. "Nothing, I'm fine." Lacey mumbled grabbing a fry dipping it into ranch dressing before eating it, Choni & Jughead look at each other before Toni says. "No, you're not, seriously tell us what's going on or we're going to make you talk." Lacey looks at Blaise Draco and Theo's lunch table to see them already staring at her and Theo smirks a little making Lacey turn back around and roll her eyes before Cheryl asked. "Did they do or say something?" Toni & Jughead look at her before Jughead asks.  "What?" "Lacey and Lilah's old friends." Cheryl says motioning to them.

"Did they do something Lace?" Jughead asked looking at Lacey who avoided eye contact with them. "You have to talk to us Lacey!!" Choni yelled as Lacey feels tears in her eyes, she gets up walking away from the cafeteria and out of school, walking to Sweet Pea's trailer getting all of her stuff and then she gets a cab who takes her to Greendale, Lacey goes to a hotel and when she got in her room she layed on the bed crying herself to sleep, her phone keeps buzzing for 30 minutes straight until it stopped.

Jughead's POV
Cheryl Toni and I watched Lacey get up and walk out of the cafeteria, not knowing that the rest of the gang including Barchie were watching her too, Lilah closes her eyes grabbing her stuff and leaves, but not without dragging Theo Blaise & Draco with her. "What was that Juggie?" Cheryl asked. "I don't know girls, but I'm going to find out, c'mon we're leaving." We get up and walk to the table where Betty Archie Veronica Kevin Reggie Fangs Joaquin & Sweet Pea were sitting at and Toni says. "Get up and let's go."

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now