Ch. 37

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"So what are you guys doing here?" FP asks them as they all sit on the couch. "Jellybean wanted to come see you & I think we should talk about us." Gladys said motioning between her and FP. "I go by JB now." Jellybean says staring at FP who gives her a hug tightly and stares at Alice asking. "Is she your new gf?" Falice's eyes widen and Alice says, "No, I'm Alice Betty's mom."

"Then where is the girl who you're dating at?" JB asked FP staring at him crossing her arms. FP looks at Alice & sighs sadly, "I don't know right now JB. But you'll love her I promise because I know I do." FP says making Alice smile walking away getting her phone off the table hitting the recording app without them seeing her so Bughead Lacey & Lilah could listen to this conversation. Gladys glared at him and said, "So you have a new whore? How long is that gonna last? A week? A month?"

"Ok stop!!" FP says standing up, "For your information Gladys, me and you are over. We were over a long time ago when you left me when I was at my worst. You left me and I would've sent you divorce papers, but no one could find you, since you're here now." FP goes upstairs to his room getting a black folder out of the draw walking back downstairs to the kitchen and hands it Gladys. "Here's a pen sign it so we can be done for real this time. I love Lacey and so does Jughead, JB when you meet her, you'll love her too." JB smiles lightly and says, "I wanna meet her now."

"I don't know where she is right now. She's probably with Lilah her best friend who's probably spending the night with Veronica, Cheryl & Toni or maybe... Even the Serpents." FP says sitting down with JB beside him hugging him tightly, Alice smiles from the kitchen texting Betty.

Back at Fred and Hermione's house, Bughead Varchie & Lilah were in the kitchen when Betty heard her phone go off. "Lilah can you hand me my phone it's in my back pocket." Lilah gets Betty's phone handing it to her, Betty reads the text and texts Alice back. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️


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Betty puts her phone on the table after exiting the texts and turning it off

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Betty puts her phone on the table after exiting the texts and turning it off. "Juggie?" "Yeah?" Jughead asks looking at her. "When we go back home either tonight or tomorrow... We're both in for a surprise, and we have to bring Lacey & Lilah too." "Ok." "Why do you have to bring me and Lacey?" Lilah asked as Beronica make eye contact and Betty mouths to her, what Alice texted her about.

Veronica's mouth dropped and then she smiles before saying, "I'm going upstairs to check on something, I'll be back." Veronica goes upstairs to check on Lacey who is sitting up looking at her phone when the bed dips, she looks up and sees Veronica sitting beside her and she said. "Are you feeling a little bit better?" "Yeah." Lacey says lying knowing that it's the guilt making her sick. "Well I have something to tell you it's important and--"

Veronica gets cut off by the door opening and Lilah walked in with Bughead and Archie. Jughead pushed them out of the way and tackled Lacey making her lay back down before he said. "Me and the Serpents are keeping Wormtail & Yaxley hostage for you & Lilah, so when you guys want to interrogate them, they're being held hostage by Hog-Eye Derek Dave Ashton & Mustang at the Whyte Wyrm." Lacey and Lilah look at each other eyes widen before Lilah says, "You don't have to keep them hostage for us." Lacey avoids eye contact with him, but Jughead won't let her lose eye contact with him, he pins her down on the bed making her yelp, Jughead immediately gets off her. "What's wrong? Are you ok?! What happened tell me?"

Veronica & Lacey make eye contact and Veronica mouths, "Tell him or I will." Lacey shakes her head no. Veronica grabs Lacey's sleeve and pulls it up showing Bughead Archie and Lilah. "Look Jughead, this is what happens when--" Veronica gets cut off by Lacey crying again. Lacey gets up going to the bathroom closing the door locking it but before she could close it, Jughead grabbed her unhurt arm and pulls her to him close and looks at Betty and Varchie. "Give us some privacy, Lilah you're staying." 3/4 of the Core 4 leave the room, Jughead takes his beanie off running his fingers through his hair sighing. "Ok, so you have a choice talk to me about what's going on so I can help you... or don't and I'll bring--" Lilah looks at Lacey and says. "Fangs." They pull their phone out and text Fangs. "What?" Jughead asks looking at them.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now