Ch. 30

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Lacey woke up in an unfamiliar trailer and the person who kidnapped her walks in the living room and says, "Good you're awake, now it's time to talk." Lacey looks at her and says, "Y-You're Gladys FP's ex wife & Jughead's mom." Gladys smirked and said, "Yeah I am, why?" "Why did you kidnap me?" Lacey asked. "Because I had too! And you're going to listen to me or else!!!! & you better listen good." Gladys said smacking her across the face.

Lacey looked at her and held her cheek and said, "I'm listening, you don't have to smack me again." Gladys leans in close and whispers, "I can do whatever I want, and there's nothing you can do about it unless you want FP & Jughead to get hurt and to suffer." Lacey glared at her and said. "Really? You'd do that to your own kid and your ex husband." "FP's still my husband & I'm warning you stay away from him or else." Gladys sneers. "And If I don't?" Lacey sassed making Gladys smack her harder this time. "Stay away from them or it's going to be a whole lot worse, I'll torture you before I let you go back to FP & Jughead." Gladys said walking away leaving Lacey in the chair not knowing that she could get up & leave, but she's not leaving without her phone.

Lacey grabbed her phone running out of the house texting Kevin Reggie Choni and Varchie. ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Lacey walked really fast to Pop's and down the stairs to La Bonne Nuit opening the door closing it back seeing the gang sitting on the stools at the counter with Veronica & Reggie behind the counter

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Lacey walked really fast to Pop's and down the stairs to La Bonne Nuit opening the door closing it back seeing the gang sitting on the stools at the counter with Veronica & Reggie behind the counter. "Hey Lace--." Toni says gasping touching Lacey's cheek seeing it red.

"WHAT HAPPENED!?!??!!?!" Cheryl screamed. "While I was on my way over here, I got kidnapped by Gladys, she threatened me saying that she was going to hurt me, FP, & Jughead if I don't stay away from them especially FP." Lacey says holding her cheek. "Reggie go get an ice pack now!" Toni barked. "Kevin, Archie go help him." Veronica says as they get up & follow Reggie. "Now tell us what else happened." Cheryl said holding Lacey really close to her with Toni on the other side of her and Veronica chuckled sitting beside Lacey and saying, "Tell us what else happened plz." As the door opened with Lilah Sweet Pea & Bughead walking in, sitting with them. "Hey guys--." Jughead starts before his eyes widen, he pushed Cheronica away from Lacey hugging her tightly not letting her go. "I love you." Jughead whispers holding Lacey tighter to him. Lacey sighs and whispers back sadly, "I love you too Juggie." Choni Veronica Betty Lilah & Sweet Pea look at each other while Kevin Reggie & Archie come back with an ice pack and drinks. "Here." Reggie says giving her the ice pack. "Thnxs." Lacey says grabbing it & holding it to her cheek which got redder.

Lilah, Sweet Pea & Bughead's eyes widen and Jughead asks. "What the hell happened?!" "I-- I got hit by the door when I was hanging out with Blaise." Lacey lied making Choni & Veronica bite their lip not saying anything. "Ok, well... Are you ok?" Jughead asks. Lacey wants to tell him the truth, but she knows that she can't so she nods & mumbles. "Yeah, I'll be fine." "Ok, so I know that you & FP broke up, but will you plz come back home with me & Betty?!? You can stay with me 24/7, just plz plz plz come back to Falice's house with me?" Jughead asks looking at her before Betty chimes in, "Pretty plz Lace?" Lacey knows that she's going to get hurt and so are they, but who cares just because she & FP broke up doesn't mean she has to avoid Bughead & Alice like she's avoiding FP so she looks at them and says, "Yeah sure."

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now