Ch. 10

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Friday Night

Lacey told Bughead Falice & Lilah that she was going to go see Sweet Pea Fangs & Joaquin and that she'll be back sometime later tonight or tomorrow then she left, she hates lying to them but she has to in order to keep them safe and protected.

Lacey pulled the blue card out of her pocket to get directions to the place that Wormtail & Yaxley said to go, she sighed walking to the place that is 30 minutes away from the Whyte Wyrm. When she got there, the door opened by itself and she walked in seeing Wormtail, Yaxley, Blaise, Draco, & Theo sitting there talking and drinking butter-beer. "I'm here." Lacey says sitting down on the end of the couch watching them. "You're early." Theo says as they look at her before Blaise gets up and goes to the kitchen. "Yeah so? Can we get this done and over with." "Yeah after a couple of these." Blaise says walking back in the living room with 2 bottles of butter-beer handing them to her.

Lacey looks at him and says, "Is-?" "It's your favorite." Draco says. "Ok thanks... So can you guys tell me why I'm here? Because you said that you'd tell me everything." "Ok, but 1st where's the book I gave you?" Theo asked looking at her drinking his 4th bottle of butter-beer. "I left it at home, but don't worry it's in a safe place so no one can find it because it's locked and I have the key." "You better hope no one finds it." Draco says as he turned the TV on and continues. "Instead of us telling you, we decided to let you watch it."

Lacey looked at the TV and saw Voldemort and death eaters sitting at a table in Malfoy Manor looking at a camera with Voldemort saying, "Lacey & Lilah if you 2 ever find this or see this, 1 day you'll see us again and when you do it's not going to be pretty so you better watch out for yourself and your new friends who you betrayed us with because if you don't, all of you will be getting hurt and don't worry I have some new friends who knows Riverdale really well and let's just say that if you don't watch out they're going to help me get you and your friends too. Bye we'll see each other again very soon." Then the camera shut off and Draco turned the TV off again.

Lacey looks at the floor and gulps before Wormtail asked. "Are you ok?" "Y-Yeah I'm fine... If that's everything, can I leave." She asked trying not to cry. "Yeah, but listen like we've said before you can not tell anyone else about this ok. I know we're not friends anymore, but we're just trying to keep you & Lilah safe from Voldemort & death eaters, & who knows maybe someday we might be able to be friends again." Blaise said as Draco Theo Wormtail and Yaxley agree with him.

Lacey bites her lip and mumbles. "Yeah maybe." Then she got up and left letting tears fall down her face. Lacey walked slowly to the Whyte Wyrm not realizing that she bumped into Sweet Pea & Joaquin. "Lacey?" Joaquin asked. Lacey looks up and they've noticed her teary eyes. "Hey, what's wrong?" Sweet Pea asked just as Fangs & Toni pulled up on their motorcycles. "N-Nothing I gotta go." Then she walked away but Fangs pulled her closer to him and says. "We're not going to tell Jughead or FP anything, and you have to tell us. Remember?" "I can't tell you this." Lacey said looking at the concrete finding it fascinating. "Why not?" "Because all of you are going to be in danger and it's going to be all my fault!!!!!!!" Lacey said moving past Fangs and walking back to Falice's House.

Sweet Pea Fangs Joaquin and Toni look at each other before Fangs says. "We gotta talk to Jughead." "Yeah, let's go." They all get back on their motorcycles and go in the direction where Lacey went.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now