Ch. 137

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Lacey was still tied up the next day when Lilah, FP, Draco, Theo, & Blaise walked in the room busting the door down with the gang behind them with Donna & Brett getting their jackets gripped tightly by the Serpents, as they stand outside in the hall. "Lace!!!" Lilah yells untieing her and removed the black duck tape from her mouth making her yelp putting her hand over her mouth. "I'm sorry." Lilah says as Blaise Draco and Theo walked up to her and Blaise asked. "What happened?" "Narcissa and Donna's grandma are the ones behind this whole thing." Lacey starts looking at the floor.

"What the hell?!" Draco exclaimed after Lacey told them the truth about why Donna & Brett kidnapped her and why they want her and Lilah's necklaces so bad. "There's something else too..." Lacey mumbled avoiding eye contact with them. "What?" Lilah asked. "Donna & Brett are going to try to kill Jughead again and if--" Lacey burst out crying into her hands and Blaise walked up to her giving her a hug and Theo walked to the door, and he told the gang something making them walk away except for FP and Jughead. "We're not leaving." Jughead snapped crossing his arms over his chest. "Ok." Draco mumbled rolling his eyes looking at the floor as they walked in the room.

After Lilah and the 3 Slytherin snakes 🐍💚🖤 rescued Lacey, they're on their way back to Riverdale and FP's new house. "Hey FP." Theo starts. "Yeah?" "Blaise Draco & I have a house up the road from here." FP and Jughead stop walking and turn around looking at him. "Really?" "Yeah, see that white house with the dark green roof and the black fence?" Blaise asked. "Yeah." Jughead says. "That's where we live, so if you guys or Lacey & Lilah ever wanna talk or y'know hangout... Then that's where we live." Draco says looking at Lacey thinking to himself, 'Lacey's probably gonna be at our house sooner than later... Becuz we know something that she doesn't...' FP gets the key out of his pocket and opened his door as they walk in and Lacey sat on the couch with Lilah beside her and they cuddled into the couch, after Lilah grabs a blanket from the chair.

"Ok, we might." FP tells the 3 Slytherin snakes as they walked into the kitchen and Jughead says, "But y'know, you 3 can always come over here too. It'll be vise versa." "Yeah ok." Theo says. "So. we gotta go now, but we'll see you guys Monday at school." Blaise said looking at Lacey and Lilah who are now watching TV still cuddling under the blanket on the couch. "I'm not going to school Monday." Lacey said not moving her eyes from the TV.

The 3 Slytherin snakes besides FP and Jughead look at each other before they look at Lacey & Lilah and FP says, "Ok, maybe Lacey will be back at school Tuesday." "Actually... I'm not going back to school, I CAN'T & I don't want to go back to school it's almost May anyway... I can go ahead and get my work done and get it done as fast as I can, so I'll be able to graduate early, and I've already talked to Mr. Wetherbee about it too and he said that that's what I have to do to graduate high school early and I've got most of it done."

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now