Ch. 131

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"So if Penny is Betty's mom, then... no wonder dark Betty scares us." Lilah says as Jughead tell the Serpents Kevin Reggie Josie & Lilah about the texts from Donna and Brett. Choni & Veronica look at each other before Cheryl gets up sitting on Jughead's lap and kisses him passionately making him smile and then she leans into his ear and whispered. "Let's tell them I'm pregnant." "Are you sure?" Jughead asked. "Yeah, they're gonna find out eventually when I start showing, so why not tell them now." Cheryl whispers back biting his neck a little.

"Ok guys, me Cheryl Toni and Veronica have something to tell you." Jughead said as Cheryl leans against his chest and he wrapped his arm around her stomach tightly and Cheryl says. "I'm pregnant." The whole gang's jaw dropped except for Toni, Veronica, Cheryl and Jughead. "Y-you're what?!" The gang turn around seeing Betty and Archie standing there looking at them. "I'm pregnant." Cheryl repeats before she continues, "Ppl are going to find out eventually, so I'm confirming it now." Betty looks at her and walked out of the Whyte Wyrm with Archie behind her and the door slammed shut.After the gang found out that Cheryl was pregnant, she & Jughead left with Toni and Veronica, while the gang sat there in silence for a few minutes before Joaquin said. "So, things are going to be different now." "Yeah, you can say that again." Reggie says as the gang agree with him.

Lacey went on a walk at night down a road near the Whyte Wyrm and saw FP sitting outside of a grey house on the porch. "Hey." FP said as Lacey pretended not to see him as she walked by. "Lacey, I'm talking to you." Lacey sighed and says. "Hi." "C'mere." For some reason, Lacey did what FP said, she walked up the steps to the house and she sits beside him in the chair and says. "What do you want?" Lacey asked. "I just wanna talk, I think we should talk about us." Lacey rolled her eyes and said, "There's nothing to talk about--" Lacey got cut off by FP saying. "Do you still love me?" "Of, course I do, but I don't want to get hurt again."

"I know ok, I know, but I promise if you give me another chance, I promise I'll never cheat on you ever again I'll never hurt you ever again." FP says making Lacey look at him and she said. "I need to think about it." "Ok, I live here now. If y'know you ever want to get away from the gang or anything like th-" FP got cut off by Lacey kissing him passionately making him smile and pull her closer deepening the kiss.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now