Ch. 115

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"What is she talking about?" Penny asked Voldemort who smirks and says, "It's not important, now c'mon let's get this done and over with." Penny raises her knife and points it at him and says, "No, tell me Penelope, Hal, Kurtz, and Chic besides the Ghoulies and Tall Boy what you meant or else instead of going after these 4, we're coming after you and death eaters." The gang including FP stood there and watched the scene unfold, trying not to laugh knowing that Penny's on their side now and that maybe when the Serpents besides Betty and Alice got kidnapped the 1st time, maybe Penny and the Ghoulies were actually trying to help them.

Lilah walked back into the room wiping her eyes and pulled out the elder wand and pointed it at Voldemort with Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, & Hermione Granger's help and they pointed their wands at Voldemort.

Lilah & Harry finally won the war that killed and tortured them in the wizarding world and now in the muggle world. "Untie them." Lilah barked at Penny and the Ghoulies and they did what she said and the 3 new people in the room says, "Nice job Lilah or should we say Slytherin Princess." Harry and Ron laugh as Lilah smirks saying, " Fine, wanna spill all my secrets ok. But the least you could do, is do the same thing to Lacey or should I say Slygirl22." The 3 Gryffindors & the Slytherin snakes all burst out laughing and said, "Ok fine, we'll do that." Hermione said laughing.

"Just out of curiosity, guys... How'd you even find us?? I mean me & Lacey." Lilah asked and Harry said, "There's 1 death eater who was a Gryffindor when he went to Hogwarts, so he called us up and told us what was going on and now we're here." "Wormtail aka Peter Pettigrew." Lacey and Lilah said before Lacey ran to Fangs and hugged him tightly making him smile and hug her back tighter. "Yeah, that's the one." Ron says looking around the room before he asked, "Who the bloody hell are all these people and why are they here??" The gang laughed along with Penny the Ghoulies tall boy, Hal Cooper Penelope Blossom Kurtz and Chic before FP says, "Tell us who you are 1st, and then we'll tell you who we are." "Deal." The lions of Gryffindor said trying not to laugh.

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