Ch. 134

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FP picked up the note and went back to the living room and said. "Lacey's been kidnapped, the window's open and it's raining here read this." He hands the note to Jughead who grabs it reading it and when he gets done reading it, he said. "Ok, well you already have Lacey's, all we need is Lilah's necklace and then we can get Lacey back." "Fangs text Sweet Pea and tell him that we need Lilah's necklace and then tell him why." FP demanded. "I'm on it." Fangs said pulling out his phone texting Sweet Pea.

Sweet Pea and Lilah walked around town until they reached the Whyte Wyrm and then they walked in sitting at the counter and Sweet Pea asked her, "Why are you so mad & upset Lil?" Lilah felt angry tears fall down her face and said, "Because Lacey's my best friend and I know how it feels to be cheated on or how to lose your best friend to a guy/or girl that they're dating... BECAUSE I was the girl Draco dated back in 3rd year at Hogwarts and for some reason, me and the girl Blaise dated at the time kept Draco and Blaise away from our friends 24/7 in 3rd year at Hogwarts in Slytherin. And I don't want to make the same mistake twice, because I don't want to be responsible for it again. That's why I'm so upset and pissed off!!! And I don't want FP doing the same thing again." Sweet Pea pulls her into a hug, and pulled his phone out reading the texts from Fangs. ⬇️⬇️⬇️


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Sweet Pea showed Lilah the texts and then they got up leaving the Whyte Wyrm going back to FP's new house and that's when the gang and FP came up with a plan

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Sweet Pea showed Lilah the texts and then they got up leaving the Whyte Wyrm going back to FP's new house and that's when the gang and FP came up with a plan.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now