Ch. 7

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Jughead & Lacey pulled out of the hug and sat in their usual spot with the Southside Serpents, Betty, & Varchie. Lacey made eye contact with Draco who points to the 2 familiar adults and motions for her to come to their booth. Lacey says, "I'll be back guys." Then she gets up and walks to Draco's booth where he, Blaise, Theo, and the 2 new adults were sitting.

Lacey sat beside Blaise & Draco while Theo and the 2 adults sat in front of them. "Ok, you've already ruined my life enough, what else could you possibly want?" Lacey says as the 2 adults look up from the table and Lacey gasps. "W-what are you 2 doing here?" "We came to see you." The first wizard said getting a drink of his water. "Why would you want to, I'm done with you guys. Why do you think I moved? I moved to get away from you guys and the rest of the death eaters besides Voldemort." Lacey said standing up about to walk away, but Blaise pulled her back next to him as the second wizard pulls a card out of his bag and said. "Meet us there Friday night at 10 P.M. and come alone, we'll tell you what's going on then."

Lacey bites her lip and says. "Ok Yaxley I will. But you and Wormtail better tell me everything or so help me." "Don't worry, Lacey we will. Why do you think, Malfoy, Zabini, & Nott moved here to, after we found out you left and moved away." Wormtail said looking at Lacey who looks at him and says sarcastically. "Oh Idk, just to torture me!!" "Just be there Friday night at 10 P.M. You can go now." Yaxley said as Lacey put the card in her pocket and left to go sit at her usual booth with her friends again, not noticing that Joaquin was watching her the whole time.

"You're back!!" Sweet Pea said pulling her to sit beside him and Fangs. Lacey smiled before she locked eyes with Blaise who mouthed. "Friday at 10 P.M." Lacey nods and looks away wondering what's going to happen & whether or not she should tell Fangs, Joaquin, & Sweet Pea what's happening too. Lacey got cut out of her thoughts by Jughead saying. "Lace, you need to come home with me and Betty, you just have to." "Ok I will tonight." "Ok." That night at Falice's house Bughead and Lacey walked through the door seeing FP and Lilah on the couch.

FP noticed them first before Lilah and he gets up dragging Lacey upstairs to their room slamming the door shut locking it. "I know it's only been 2 days, but it feels like I haven't seen you in forever." FP says moving hair behind her ear and cupping her face. "It's only been 1 night and 1 day, but I'm back now and we can do whatever you want." FP smirks and pushes her on the bed getting on top of her kissing her passionately.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now