Ch. 152

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"You want us to what?" Draco asked FP as he sat on the couch of their house looking at them. "I want you to find me a spell or a potion that will make someone forget about the past or what happened in the past and give it to Lacey." FP said with his arms crossed over his chest. "Ok, can we ask why, and does Lilah need it too?" Theo said as Blaise got up to get a spell book from the shelf, he walked back into the living room carrying it. "I really don't think I should say why I just want you to give the potion to Lacey, but Lilah might need it later in the near future." FP says as Blaise opened the book and says, "Ok, I'm looking for a spell or a potion."

A few minutes later, Draco asked. "Zabini, find anything yet?" "Not yet, unless FP wants us to use that one potion that makes a witch or wizard or even a muggle tell the truth whether they want to or not." Blaise said as FP smirks and said, "Tell me about that potion. I'm not going to use it on Lacey, but I might use it on somebody else." "Ok, we'll go get you some." Theo says getting up with Draco.

Blaise looks at FP who raised his eyebrows and says, "What?" "Can you just tell us what or why you want us to put a spell or make Lacey drink a potion??? Please??" FP laughed and said. "No, but I will tell you why, I want the potion that makes ppl tell the truth whether they want to or not." "Ok, we're listening." Blaise said as Draco & Theo walked back in the living room.

"And that's why I'm gonna use that potion on Jughead." FP says as he smirks at the Slytherin snakes 🐍💚🖤 faces. "Ok... well that was interesting." Theo said as Blaise & Draco agreed with him. "Listen, we'll keep looking for a spell or a potion for Lacey, but you're gonna have to give us a few days." Blaise said closing the book. "That's ok, just find me one and take your time. I don't mind waiting a little bit... Anyway I gotta go now, but if you find anything text me and let me know." FP says getting up off the couch with the potion he's going to give Jughead in his drink tonight. "Ok, is your number still the same?" Draco asked. "Yeah, it's 000- 555-6795." FP said walking to the door opening it, walking out the door, before he closes it behind him driving back to his house.

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