Ch. 96

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The next day at school, Lacey was in the student lounge with the gang when Blaise Draco & Theo walked in handing Lacey a bunch of bags not saying a word, they were trying not to burst out laughing, but Jughead swore in his head that he saw Blaise winking at Lacey before he Theo & Draco left the student lounge. "Ok... what was that?" Kevin asked as he Reggie Fangs Joaquin Toni Cheryl Sweet Pea Veronica and Jughead looked at Lacey who said nothing opening the bag, smirking a little bit. "Lace, what's with the smirk?" Fangs asked.

Lacey looked at them before she says, "Oh nothing, nothing at all, it's all good." "Ok." Fangs laughs a little bit before the gang joins in, Betty walked in the student lounge with Lilah and Archie, Lilah had the same bags that Lacey does and they make eye contact and Lilah smiles a little bit before she opens the bag and dumps all the clothes on the couch and says, "Ronnie, bombshell... etc especially Ronnie & bombshell, tell me and Lacey if these clothes are material & styles that you'd wear." Cheronica looked at each other before Cheryl said. "Ok, let's see them."

Lacey dumps her clothes on her lap as Jughead Sweet Pea Fangs Joaquin & Toni look at each other with raised eyebrows before Jughead sits beside Lacey on the couch and picks up the clothes off Lacey's lap looking at them before he says. "What are these clothes, and where did you 2 get them?" "We're not going to lie to you, because we actually love & like you too much to do that, but these are our old clothes that we used to wear at Hogwarts in Slytherin House." Lacey says looking at Jughead who nods and says, "Ok, but why do you want them?" "Because, they're pretty colors & they're also comfortable and we can wear whatever the hell we want. & If you don't like that, you can shove it!!!!!" Lacey says sassily picking up the clothes putting them back in her bag leaving the student lounge, leaving the gang confused & shocked except for Lilah who gets up and follows her smirking a little bit.

When Lilah caught up with her, she dragged them into a supply closet and says, "What was that back there?" And so Lacey told Lilah everything and Lilah bit her lip before she said, "Ok. I guess that makes sense." "I'm sorry Lil, but they want the old Lacey back, so they're going to get her. Besides I've missed my old self anyway, she was so mean & evil just like you are." Lilah smiles and hugs her tightly. "Ok, but we can't let the Serpents or the gang find out about this... at least not yet." Lacey bit her lip and says, "Yeah, I know. After school, I'm gonna go see FP since it seems like I haven't seen him in forever." "Ok, where?" Lilah asked. "I'm not sure tbh, I think at the police station. I'll text you later to let you know." Lacey said. "Ok, let's go to class."

They walk out of the supply closet seeing the gang in the hall and Lacey swore in her head that she saw Cheryl & Toni holding onto Jughead's arms, like Veronica does with Betty. "D- do you see that?" Lacey asked Lilah as they got joined by Reggie Fangs & Kevin?" "Yeah, we do, Jughead & Choni are an item now." Kevin says looking at Fangs & Reggie who try not to laugh before Reggie says. "Uh, listen the whole gang knows about it except for Betty Archie & Veronica... So Lace, don't tell them anything about it." "Don't worry I'm not... besides dark Betty scares the hell out of me. And I ship Chughead & Tughead especially Chughead." Lacey says. "Even more than Bughead?" Kevin asked. "Even more than Bughead & Varchie put together." Lacey smirks noticing Blaise in the hallway and walks up to him not noticing the gang saw the whole thing, Jughead started growling under his breath watching them with narrowed eyes.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now