Ch. 12

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FP looks at them & Jughead before he looks back at them saying, "Continue." Sweet Pea Fangs & Joaquin tell him Jughead & Toni what Lacey told them and then Fangs told FP & Jughead about what happened tonight.

FP looks at them and says, "Is there anything else you want to tell us?" "I think Draco Blaise & Theo besides the 2 new adults have something to do with it." Joaquin said looking at him. "Are you sure?" Jughead asks. "Yeah, because remember that one day at Pop's? " Joaquin continues. "I saw Draco Blaise & Theo sitting a few booths away and then I saw Blaise or Draco I can't remember motion for Lacey to come to their booth, she did and I couldn't figure out what they were talking about, but she sat there with them for a few minutes then she put something in her pocket and walked back to our booth sitting beside Sweet Pea & Fangs."

FP looks at him and sighs rubbing his face. "I remember that now!! What did the card look like?" Sweet Pea asks. "It was white with black writing, I couldn't make out what it said, but when Lacey came back to our table Blaise looked at her and mouthed something. Lacey looked at him and nodded before turning her attention back to us." Joaquin said. FP sighs again getting up and walking out of the room, going back to his room getting Lacey's dark blue bag and going back to Bughead's room with it.

FP walked back in and said. "Look through it Jug." Then he walked back out. "Should we guys?" Jughead asks.  "Yeah, just to see what else Lacey's been hiding from us or what she's not telling us." Fangs said.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now