Ch. 52

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"Deatheaters & Ghoulies living room now." Penny said as she and Voldemort sat in 2/4 rocking chairs. Voldemort's minions & the Ghoulies followed by Malachi walked in the living room sitting on the couch and Penny says. "Alright listen, we have a job for all of you." "What is it?" Malachi asked looking at them. "Go find Wormtail & Yaxley, because we haven't seen them in a few days." "And I want 2 of my good useful deatheaters back." Voldemort said staring at all of them.

"Well, me and the Ghoulies tried that, that one day and the Serpents besides Lacey & Lilah were in our way when we got to the Whyte Wyrm. So what are we supposed to do now?" Malachi asked as Voldemort starts smiling and says. "Don't worry about Lacey and Lilah, I can solve that problem with something more devious and I swear this one really will make their life especially Lacey's life ruined and it'll really make her crack and let her-- no make her & Lilah come back to me and death eaters again. (Laughs evilly/getting up) I gotta go make a phone call."

"Death eaters, do you guys know who Voldemort's going to call?" Penny asked looking at Voldemort's minions.
"We think it might be Megan & Chloe or it might be Pansy, Daphne, and Astoria." The death eater named Xize said. But little do they know, that Lilah was ease-dropping on their conversation, and her jaw dropped and she left the house quietly as she could get in running back to the Whyte Wyrm where the gang was.
Lilah opened the door to the Whyte Wyrm seeing Lacey with Choni, Joaquin, Sweet Pea and Fangs and she said. "Lace, let's go now!!! We're going to see Wormtail & Yaxley again." They get up as soon as FP Jughead Alice Kevin Reggie Varchie and Betty sit with the rest of the Serpents and Hog-Eye walked to them and says. "Wormtail and Yaxley want to see you 2, said something about they forgot to tell you something the other day that they just remembered."

"Ok, is it about Pansy Daphne and Astoria or Blondie and Blondie's friend?" Lilah asked Hog-Eye. Lacey's jaw dropped and she hissed. "What?!" "Long story, let's go." They run to the basement and run down the stairs with Hog-Eye and the Serpents behind them but FP looks at Hog-Eye putting his finger on his mouth and whispers quietly. "Don't let them catch us, got it, because we're going to listen too." "Then stay up here and lean against the wall." Hog-Eye muttered walking back down the stairs sitting beside Dave, Mustang, Ashton, & Derek as they listen to Lilah tell Lacey, Wormtail & Yaxley what she overheard.

"So you were ease-dropping?" Yaxley said smirking. "I was not... I was looking for Theo to ask him something and then I couldn't find him, so I was about to leave, when I heard Penny &  Voldemort start talking so I stayed and listened to see what they were up to and..." Lilah says looking at Wormtail and Yaxley. "What did you hear?" Wormtail asked. "Something about that Penny had a job for the Ghoulies and the rest of the death eaters and Malachi asked what and Voldemort said to find and I quote. 'Go find Wormtail and Yaxley, because we haven't seen them in a few days and I want 2 of my good useful deatheaters back.' and then Malachi said that they already tried that but the Southside Serpents me and Lacey were in their way and then Voldemort said don't worry about Lacey and Lilah because I'm gonna solve that problem with something more devious that'll make their life especially Lacey's life ruined and it'll really make her crack and let her-- no make her and Lilah come back to me and death eaters. and then Voldemort got up to call whoever it was and then I left the house and now we're here." Lilah said out of breath.

Lacey, Yaxley, and Wormtail look at her jaw dropped and Hog-Eye said. "Are you guys ok? Do we have to go get the Serpents?" "Yeah, we're fine & no you don't." Lilah said looking at Lacey who says sarcastically, "Yeah, we're fan-freaking-tastic." Before she hugged Wormtail tightly and said. "Don't let what happened in 3rd year at Hogwarts, happen again plzz." She bursts out crying. Wormtail hugs her back and says. "We won't, we promise." Lacey continues to cry and Hog-Eye looked up and saw the Serpents still standing there and FP looked at him and then he looked at Lacey & Lilah then back to Lacey smiling sadly before he left the basement door with the Serpents following him.

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