Ch. 46

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Hog-Eye, Mustang, Dave, Ashton & Derek walked back into the basement with some drinks and hands them to Lacey and Lilah and hands the rest of the drinks to the Serpents. "So basically what you 2 are saying is that you and Lacey are not the same girls you were 2 years ago?" Wormtail asked. "That's exactly what we're saying, what are you and Yaxley gonna do about it?" Lilah asked looking at them while drinking her drink.

Wormtail and Yaxley look at each other before Yaxley said, "Oh nothing. In fact we don't really care." "Then why are you asking?" Jughead asked sassily. "Actually, we need to talk to Lacey and Lilah alone so can you guys leave plz?" Yaxley asked making the Serpents look at each other and Lacey & Lilah before the Serpents got up for some weird reason letting the girls be left in the basement with Wormtail and Yaxley but before Sweet Pea left, he whispered something in Lilah's ear making her nod and then he walked off shutting the door behind him.

"Alright, they're gone what do you want now?" Lilah asked. "There's something else too." Yaxley said. "What?!" Lacey snapped. "We're pretty sure that Voldemort and Penny know that we're missing since, we should've been back already so they're probably looking for us." "And that's our problem because??" Lilah asked sassily. "Well since we've gotten kidnapped and we don't get to leave anytime soon, we might need your help with something." Wormtail says as Lacey and Lilah look at each other and roll their eyes. "Help with what?" Lilah asked. "Help with-- tell Blaise Draco & Theo where we're at, can you do that?" Yaxley asked looking at Lacey who avoided eye contact with him and says, "We'll see what we can do." "Ok." Lacey and Lilah get up and leave opening the basement door where the Serpents especially Sweet Pea and Fangs were leaning against the door.

"Is everything ok?" Jughead asked looking at Lacey who pushed past him out the door dragging Fangs with her. "Yeah everything's fine... Hey Sweets... I have to tell you something it's not important but it's interesting, so can we go back to your trailer?" Lilah asked. "Yeah let's go." Sweet Pea said as he grabbed Lilah's hand dragging her outside to his trailer leaving Bughead Choni Joaquin FP Mustang Ashton & Derek confused. "Well... Let's go back to Alice's house where Charles is." FP said making eye contact with Jughead who shrugs pulling Betty with him as they walked out of the Whyte Wyrm, the rest of the Serpents followed Bughead and before they opened the door, Mustang says, "Ashton Derek Dave Hog-Eye and I will stay here and make sure Wormtail & Yaxley don't try to escape ok." "Ok." Joaquin said as he and Choni walk out the door while FP and Bughead were already outside.

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