Ch. 60

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Penny & Voldemort's Hiding Spot in the living room and kitchen which is connected. "So you want me to what?" Flint asked Voldemort who laughs and said. "I want you to kidnap Lacey & Lilah especially Lacey and bring her here and then I want you to go with Malachi and the Ghoulies and help start another rival gang war with the Southside Serpents and while they're trying to save the Southside from Penny and the Ghoulies, they won't have time to save Lacey from the torture that we're (motions to him and death eaters) going to do to her and while the Serpents are too busy fighting with Penny and the Ghoulies they won't have time to save Lacey & Lilah especially Lacey." Voldemort laughed evilly not knowing that Blaise & Theo were eavesdropping on their conversation and they don't care if the Southside Serpents don't listen to them or not especially Blaise but he's going to tell them anyway.

Blaise and Theo leave the house quietly. Blaise walked to Sweet Pea's trailer banging on the door no answer he bangs on the door again still no answer and when he was about to knock again there were multiple pair of shoes standing behind him and Theo. "What do you think you're doing?" Sweet Pea asked with venom glaring at him and Theo who looked at him Fangs Joaquin Toni & Cheryl. "Ok you don't have to like me or trust me, but I'm gonna tell you anyway, me and Theo overheard Voldemort and his minions talking he and Penny have a plan and they're all going to hurt Lacey and Lilah especially Lacey by using Flint and how they're going to do it is--" Blaise got cut off by Joaquin who says, "We're not talking out here, let's go." The Serpents walk back to the Whyte Wyrm going down to the basement where Wormtail Yaxley Hog-Eye Ashton Derek Dave and Mustang are sitting with Crabbe & Goyle.  Sweet Pea said. "Sit down beside them and then you can tell us what's going on?"

"Start from the beginning." Fangs said pulling out his phone to record the conversation so he could show Jughead & FP later. "Ok so like I said a few minutes ago, you guys don't have to like or trust me but what I'm about to tell you is..." "Just get to the point Zabini." Theo said seeing Crabbe & Goyle besides Wormtail & Yaxley and his eyes widened as he smiled saying.  "Hey guys what's up?" "Oh y'know nm now tell the Serpents what's going on and then we can talk." Yaxley said. "Ok." Blaise said as he told the Serpents what he and Theo heard what Voldemort & Penny are planning, the Serpents sat there stunned and shocked before Fangs asked turning the recording off. "What are they gonna do to Lacey & Lilah especially Lacey if you're telling us the truth?" "I'm not sure, but if you want me to I'll keep you guys updated on what they're gonna do." The Serpents look at each other before Choni look at Wormtail & Yaxley with Toni asking, "Do you 2 trust him?" "We used to, but now not so much... why?" Yaxley asked as the basement door opened again with FP & Jughead walking in with Charles and Flint, Blaise and Theo look at the door with the Serpents following him.

Blaise saw Flint and slammed him against the wall hissing. "Tell them what me & Theo heard Voldemort telling you about what they're gonna do to the Southside and to Lacey & Lilah, because I know that you know that we were eavesdropping on the conversation but you weren't going to say anything, so tell them what me & Theo heard Voldemort telling you." Blaise kept a tight grip on Flint's green shirt making him smirk and say, "Why should I, besides no one's going to believe you not even Lacey & Lilah if you & Theo try to tell them everything that you heard." Wormtail and Yaxley look at each other before Wormtail says, "Flint, is Zabini & Nott telling the truth?!" "Yeah, they're telling the truth, but who's gonna believe them? because I'm sure Lacey & Lilah will believe anything that I say whether it's true or not."

Wormtail & Yaxley get up while Hog-Eye gets another chair with some rope, Blaise slammed Flint down into the chair and tied him up sitting the chair next to Crabbe and Goyle, the Serpents and Charles look at each other before FP starts walking down the steps with the Serpents following him, he leaned against the wall saying, "Ok, we'll handle this. Blaise tell me what you and-" "Theo." Theo said looking at him. "What you & Theo heard." FP said noticing Wormtail & Yaxley giving Flint Crabbe & Goyle a death stare. "Ok, so here's what happened." Blaise said as he starts to tell the Serpents & Charles what he and Theo overheard Voldemort telling Flint.

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