Ch. 32

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Bughead's room
Lilah says, "Oh yeah, there's something else." "What?" FP asks thrusting harder into Lacey still keeping his hand over her mouth. "This has something to do with the Southside Serpents too." Lilah says looking at the floor, Betty starts playing with her hair again and says. "C'mon tell us." Jughead grabs her hand and starts rubbing circles on it. "Instead of telling you I'll just text you." ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

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Lilah & Bughead look up from their phones, Lilah looked like she was about to cry but before she could, Betty put her back in her lap holding her tightly against her with Jughead whispering in her ear

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Lilah & Bughead look up from their phones, Lilah looked like she was about to cry but before she could, Betty put her back in her lap holding her tightly against her with Jughead whispering in her ear. "The Serpents will be ok I promise." Lilah starts to cry as Betty starts stroking her hair.

Lacey rises up a little bit so FP could buckle his pants back up, when he got done, she sat back on his lap. FP kissed her neck gently and whisper growls, "I refuse to let us break up so we're back together and there's nothing or anybody that can tear us apart." FP nipped her neck again & wrapped his arms around her waist tightly & says, "Guys?" Hearing FP's voice makes Lilah whimper and hug Betty tighter.

"What?" Jughead asks looking at him.  "Is there anything else you want to tell me?" "Yeah tomorrow night at the Whyte Wyrm, I'm calling a Serpent meeting." Jughead says looking at them suspiciously before turning back to Lilah & Betty, FP smirks and says, "Ok, so I'm gonna go back downstairs." FP whispers to Lacey, "Come with me." "No I- gotta go." Lacey says walking out of the door, before she says, "Bye Lilah." "Bye. Wait where are you going?" "I don't know, but I'm not staying here. I can't stay here." "Then I'm coming with you because I don't want to stay here by myself." Lilah says getting up and following Lacey downstairs and out the door leaving FP & Bughead confused.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now