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When they got to the Whyte Wyrm, Sweet Pea Fangs Kevin Reggie & Joaquin were in a booth in the back while Jughead had Veronica & Toni sitting with him & Betty besides Archie in another booth, FP was at the bar talking to Hog-Eye. "So what is this place, it kinda looks like "The Grill." in Mystic Falls." Damon says looking around with Stefan Caroline Elena & Bonnie looking around too.

"It's a bar called the Whyte Wyrm, it's the Southside Serpents hangout, besides the Serpents friends' hangout too." Lilah answered seeing Sweet Pea and she said, "Bye." Before she walked to their booth and sat on Sweet Pea's lap who immediately wrapped his arms around her waist tightly. "Did Lilah really just leave me here by myself?" Lacey mumbled before Damon puts his hand on her shoulder and said, "We think she did." "How'd you know what I said?" "It's vampire hearing, now tell us where FP is." Stefan said looking around again. "He's over there at the bar talking to Hog-Eye, c'mon let's go. Damon move your hand before he breaks it or my friends do." Damon moved his hand and said. "Ok, ok."

They follow Lacey to the bar and she sits beside him with the 3 vampires, Bonnie & Elena following her lead. "Hi Lace." "Hi." Hog-Eye asked. "Usual?" "Sure, and FP's paying for it." FP laughs as Hog-Eye smirked walking away before FP turned to look at her and asked, "Are you still mad at me & the gang for not believing you & Lilah about those vampires?" Lacey bites her lip and said, "I'll think about it, but until then meet mine & Lilah's new friends Damon & Stefan Salvatore, Bonnie Bennett, Caroline Forbes & Elena Gilbert." Lacey said smirking as FP's jaw dropped and he said. "They're real?!" "Of course we're real, why wouldn't we be?" Damon asked smirking as Hog-Eye came back with their drinks and he asked, "Is FP paying for their drinks too?" "Yeah." Lacey answered still smirking as FP looked at Damon Stefan Elena Bonnie & Caroline in disbelief.

Riverdale/HP Crossover (My Version). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now