Ch. 44

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The Serpents sit on the stairs with Lilah, Ashton, Dave, Derek, & Mustang as Lacey sits beside Wormtail & Yaxley and she said. "10 minutes starting now."  Wormtail and Yaxley tell Lacey what Voldemort and Penny are planning and who their first victim is and then they also tell her that Kurtz is going to Riverdale high to do what Penny and Voldemort said.

Lacey sighs and says, "Ok." "Ok? Is that all you're going to say is ok?" Yaxley asked. "What do you want her to say?" Lilah says looking at them before she glared at them and said, "If it was me I wouldn't have listened to you and I would've slapped you again." The Serpents look at each other before Fangs asked. "So basically what you're saying is, that I'm their first victim and they'll do anything to hurt me or worse kill me?" Wormtail and Yaxley look at him and nod. "Well that's fantastic and I say that sarcastically!!" Fangs says grabbing Lacey away from them and pushing her into FP's lap gently.

"Y'know, you 2 can be like this other person we've kidnapped and that's working for Voldemort and Penny too, too bad she's not here." Sweet Pea said glaring at Wormtail and Yaxley. "Is her name Gladys Jones?" Yaxley asked. "Yeah it is, why?" Joaquin asked as FP and Jughead look at each other while Cheryl Toni and Betty get up with Sweet Pea and Fangs sitting beside Lilah who's sitting on the floor staring at it feeling emotionally drained, while Lacey sits on the stairs between FP's legs trying not to cry thinking to herself. 'This is all your fault and Voldemort's not gonna stop until he gets what he wants.'

Lacey starts to shake a little but stops and flinches when Jughead touches her arm, he furrowed his brow and sits beside her moving FP's leg, pulling Lacey against his chest mumbling. "Are you ok?" Lacey hugs him tightly and says through tears, "No I'm not ok Juggie." Jughead sighs sadly and hugs her tighter as he can get her. "Hey Lacey and Lilah?" Wormtail says making the Serpents look at him before FP says dangerously low, "You 2 don't get to talk to them anymore, until you answer our questions got it?" "We get it, we just want to ask them if they watched the rest of the videos that Penny and Voldemort made them especially Lacey watch." Lilah looks at him coldly and says with venom in her voice, "No not yet, because we've been busy, besides Lacey being kidnapped!!!!!!"

The Serpents look at each other again before Betty asked, "What videos are you talking about?" "Oh, y'know basically everything that happened when Lacey & Lilah 1st moved to Riverdale." Yaxley says dying of laughter while Wormtail joins him and he says, "Y'know Lace, Lil? Voldemort told us and the rest of the death eaters besides Draco Blaise and Theo that keeping tabs on you 2 was the best thing that he's ever done and we completely agree with him on that."

Lacey tries to pull away from Jughead but he just keeps tightening his grip on her cradling her like a baby. "So you 2 know everything that happened in Riverdale then?" Sweet Pea asked standing up cracking his knuckles. "Yeah we do, filthy mudblood serpent and we know that Voldemort's not gonna tell the truth, so me & Yaxley will." Wormtail continues looking at them especially Lacey and Lilah before Yaxley said. "Ok guys, they (points to the girls.) have to tell us what videos Voldemort has already let them watched so we know where to begin."

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