Ch. 25

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They all leaned against their motorcycles & trucks before Alice asked. "Talk about what?" "Something's happening to Lacey & she won't tell me what it is." Lilah said wiping her eyes, getting out of Sweet Pea's lap. The gang except for FP & Jughead (who wasn't even there.) looked at each other before Betty says, "We have to tell FP & Jughead, we just have to." "I know that, but we can't, because if you guys do tell them & Lacey finds out, she's just going to distance herself more from us & if you confront her too, she's just going to lie about it." Lilah says.

"So what do we do?" Kevin asked. "I have a plan, but you're gonna have to follow my lead & I need Charles's help." Lilah continues looking up at the blue house knowing that Voldemort and/or Penny's done something to make Lacey act like this. "What are you looking at?" Reggie asks. Lilah says, "I'm looking at... nothing anyway... Is La Bonne Nuit open yet?" She looks at Veronica. "I'm opening it tomorrow night, why?" Veronica asked. "Because I've already got your 1st customers in my head." Lilah smirks making Veronica smile and say ok.

"So what do we do now?" Cheryl asked. "Go do what you usually do for the rest of the night, I gotta go somewhere, I'll see you guys tomorrow at school & then at La Bonne Nuit tomorrow night with Veronica's 1st customers." The gang  leaves getting on their motorcycles & getting into their trucks leaving the Whyte Wyrm, Lilah huffs and goes back to the blue house for like the 3rd or 4th time that day, she walked back to the blue house with a black fence and red roses.

Lilah got to the front door and opened it closing the door behind her locking it walking into the kitchen and the living room. "So do any of you want to tell me why Lacey is acting weird, because if you don't. I'm going to hurt you or worse kill you." Wormtail Yaxley Lacey Blaise Draco and Theo walk out of the bedroom and the kitchen looking at Lilah. "We don't know what you're talking about?" Theo said as Lacey grabs Lilah's hand dragging her outside on the porch shutting the door leaning against it.

"Ok listen I'm only going to tell you this once, but don't tell the gang I'm telling you this, if you do just tell Sweet Pea Fangs & Joaquin besides Charles, but that's it nobody else." Lacey looked at Lilah. "Ok I'm listening." "So I... I made a deal with Penny because she threatened FP Jughead & the Southside Serpents... and I have to do it or else they're going to get hurt &/or worse killed, so I have to do the deal with Penny and besides I'm gonna stay here anyway to watch the rest of the videos and let FP figure out who he wants to be with me or... 'The mother of his children', I'm soz Lilah, but I'm not going back to Falice's house anytime soon."

Lilah sighs and runs her fingers through her hair and says, "Ok I'll tell Charles everything that you said besides Sweet Pea Fangs & Joaquin... what about Jughead & FP? They're going to know something's up. What do I tell them?" Lacey sighs and says, "Let's go." They walk back in the living room where Blaise is sitting. "If I'm going to stay here, for the time being. What is Lilah supposed to tell our other friends?" "We'll think of something, but for now Lilah, I'm your friend again too, so I'll text you when we come up with a plan." Blaise said. "Ok. So what do I tell them tonight?" Lilah asks. "Tell them she's staying with a few new friends for a couple of days, because we need her too." Blaise said.

"Ok, oh before I leave." Lilah looks at Lacey and continues, "Veronica's opening La Bonne Nuit tomorrow night, and she told me to invite anybody that we know... So Blaise, I'm taking you Draco & Theo with me & Lacey to La Bonne Nuit tomorrow night. Ok?" Lilah asked as Lacey sits down. "Yeah sure, we'll come with you & Lacey." Blaise said leaning back against the couch. "Who said I was going!?" Lacey asked as Blaise and Lilah look at her. she smiles, "Calm down, it's not like I'm not gonna go. Because I am... It's just..." "You don't know if Gladys & Jellybean are going to be there with FP & Jughead, and it's not Jellybean you're worried about, it's Gladys." Lilah answers as Lacey looks at the floor and mumbles, "Yeah."

"Don't worry, we're gonna have fun either way if she's there or not." Lilah said as she stands back up and says, "Text me later, I'm gonna go back home... Actually I'm not, I'm going to go spend the night with Sweet Pea bye." Lilah smirks leaving closing the door behind her as Lacey's jaw dropped and she smirks. "What just happened?" Blaise asked Lacey who said nothing she just sat beside him on the green couch.

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