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‼️4 months after the end of Winter's Widow‼️

Steve- Stars and Stripes to White Wolf
Bucky- you're a go Stars and Stripes
Steve- Do you have eyes on the target??
*Bucky looks over and sees*
Bucky- target confirmed... asset is moving in.
*Bucky watches the assets move closer to the target. The tension is high*
Steve- White Wolf I have incoming
Bucky- he's almost go it, just hold tight.
Steve- does the assets have the target?!?
Bucky- not yet, he got a little distracted but he's moving in now.
Steve- Shit! I've been compromised!!
*Nat walks into the main room*
Nat- Steve?!? What are you doing?!
Steve- move in! I repeat move in! *He shoots Nat with a nerf bullet*
Bucky- Go Little Wolf! Go!! *Bucky stands up and starts to fire a nerf gun at Nat*
*Grant looks and sees Bucky "fall". You walk around the corner with Winnie on your hip and see Grant standing in the chair next to the table and reaching for a big bag of cookies.*
Y/N- Grant?!? *You walk towards him and he gasps, grabs the bag and runs away. He gets to Bucky who picks him up and runs out of the room.* Bucky?!?
Bucky- Run Little wolf! I'll hold her off!! *He sets Grant down and Grant runs off to your room. Bucky fires the nerf gun at you as you walk towards him. He backs out and runs to the room with Grant and locks the door. Grant sits on the floor and is trying to open the bag of cookies. Bucky sits down with him and Grant laughs and hands him the bag* good job little Wolf! Let's have some cookies! *Bucky high-fives him and he laughs. Bucky looks up and sees you standing beside the bed.. he looks down at Grant* busted!
*You laugh and set Winnie down and Winnie crawls over to Bucky*
Y/N- next time make sure all the doors are locked... *You tease* and that you don't leave a man behind. Steve gave you two up in a heartbeat!
*Steve walks in with Sarah*
Steve- hey, at least they got to share some cookies! *He sees Winnie crawling around* I still can't believe that she is 7 months old and crawling!
Bucky- well she's gotta keep up with Grant!
*Nat walks in*
Nat- so this is where the cookies ended up!
*You all look at Grant who has eaten about 6 chocolate chip cookies at this point*
Y/N- oh god- Bucky!
Bucky- Shit! *He takes the bag and Grant whines*
Grant- Cookie!! Mo!! *He signs the word "please"
Y/N- no more cookies, not today. Let's go play with your toys in the living room.

*Grant pout and walks out of the room and Winnie crawls after him. You all follow after them and you see the trashed living room. There is a pillow fort and blankets everywhere. Toys all over the floor and little bowls of snacks everywhere. You sigh and just look at everything you have to clean up*
Y/N- I really need it to stop raining... *You look outside and the sky is almost black and it is pouring*
Bucky- I know baby... all week, I'm starting to think we need to build an ark. *You laugh and kiss Bucky* you know what they say about April showers! *You chuckle and then you hear crying, you see Winnie climbing on Grant and pulling his hair. He's so gentle with her that he doesn't move but he just cry's and screams as she pulls his hair*
Bucky- dude just move! *He laughs as he walks over and pulls Winnie off of him*
Nat- I love that she is just ready to fight
Y/N- me too! *you both laugh*
*Bucky pulls Steve along to clean up the mess they made. They were "training" Grant and made a whole course with Blankets and pillows. Steve hands Sarah to Nat.*
Y/N- she's got her 5 month check up right?
Nat- yeah, we need to leave in a little bit.
*Sarah looks up at you and squeals. Grant hears her and he runs over. He taps Nat's leg*
Grant- Ssssaaa!!
Nat- okay, Grant. *She kneels down and let's Grant "hold" Sarah. He just wraps his arms around her as Nat holds her. She looks up at him and smiles. He blows her a kiss and leaves* so sweet Grant! Thank you! *She stands up and Winnie crawls over to you... she sits on her knees and pulls on your pants.*
Y/N- hey Winnie boo! *You pick her up and kiss her cheek and she squeals. You and Nat sit with your babies as the men clean up and Grant destroys everything behind them. Bucky sits next to you and acts dramatic*
Bucky- he has so much energy!! I'm too old for this!
Y/N- oh it's okay Grandpa! Do you need a nap?!
*Bucky chuckles and nods. Steve and Nat stand up and get ready to leave*
Steve- we will be back later, they are doing some blood tests today to see how much of the super soldier serum is in her.
Y/N- are we hoping for a lot or a little?
*As you ask Grant comes running in the room and jumps onto the couch and then flips off the back, hits the ground and then runs back out... you and Bucky just stare at Nat and Steve as Grant does this.*
Steve- Umm I'm gonna say a little
*You and Bucky laugh*
Y/N- hey that's also the 6 cookies Bucky let him have, not the serum.
*They laugh and head out... Grant has a sugar crash and passes out on the floor in the hallway. Bucky picks him up and takes him to his room. He tucks him in bed as you put Winnie down... you both walk into the room at the same time. Thunder claps and lightning strikes across the sky and you smirk*
Y/N- it's raining baby...
Bucky- that it is! *He smirks and walks over to you and pull you into his arms*
Y/N- Mmhmm hi
Bucky- hi...
Y/N- you thinking what I'm thinking?!
*You nod and you both jump on the bed and promptly pass out*

*You wake up to Grant hitting your face and Winnie yelling from her crib. Bucky chuckle ma and hold up to grab Winnie. You go about your afternoon. Thor comes walking in the door and Grant claps.*
Grant- oorrr!!!
*Thor laughs and walks over to Grant. He tussles his hair and gives you a hug and shakes Bucky's hand*
Bucky- how long are you back for this time??
Y/N- yeah it wasn't fair that you were here for 2 days at Christmas and then left again until March!
*Thor laughs*
Thor- I'll be here for a month. Tony said he had some things he needed me to check out.
*You nod and Winnie crawls over to you. You pick her up and she waves at Thor. He smiles and then head back to his room.. Bucky rubs your shoulders and kisses your cheek*
Bucky- Dinner??
*You nod. Bedtime is a nightmare, Grant fought sleep and Winnie pooped in the tub and then took forever to nurse. By the time you and Bucky laid down you were exhausted... he looks at you and kisses you*
Bucky- I'm so tired
Y/N- me too...
Bucky- we have to rally, we're going on 2 months here!
Y/N- I know but I really can't move...
Bucky- okay, well have some dirty dreams about me and maybe we can rally tomorrow..
*You chuckle and roll over on Bucky. He laughs and slaps your ass. You let out a little yelp*
Y/N- don't start something you can't finish!
Bucky- oh I can finish! *Bucky gets a burst of energy and he flips you over and kisses you* oh I can finish baby girl.
*You chuckle and then smirk as Bucky grinds against you*

‼️A small start to the new story! 🥰🥰‼️

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