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*You sit on the couch with Bucky, hanging all on him and half in his lap, claiming him still

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*You sit on the couch with Bucky, hanging all on him and half in his lap, claiming him still.*
Bucky- okay, so we may need to go to bed. It's getting late.
Steve- yeah, gotta get this one to bed *He pats Nat's head* she gets cranky when she doesn't get her sleep.
Peter- Kate are you okay??
*Kate is still looking a little green*
Kate- Umm yeah, I- just- still a little shaken about earlier.
Tony- oh don't worry, that's just the residual effect of meeting Odette.
*Kate smiles and then laughs*
Y/N- it wears off soon, don't worry! *You smile and snuggle closer to Bucky. He kisses your head and stands up. He whispers in your ear*
Bucky- I'm gonna head up *He looks at you and smirks.* you coming?
*You bite you lip and rub his leg.*
Y/N- in a minute *You wink and Bucky growls in your ear.*
*Steve heads up with Bucky and they talk as they walk back to their rooms.*
Bucky- sorry tonight didn't go as planned... maybe you can derail girls night tomorrow and get your time with Nat.
Steve- yeah maybe, I just- I'm scared she's gonna say no.
Bucky- you know that you two have more kids, I wouldn't worry about it. She will be ready when she needs to be. *Steve nods* in the meantime, have fun practicing! *He winks and Steve laughs*
Steve- hopefully she will let me. She had a pregnancy scare a little while back and hasn't let me near her since. In fact she's been letting Sarah sleep in our bed so there's no chance of sex. Tonight was gonna be the night.
Bucky- did she know that?? *Bucky teases*
Steve- No, I was going to surprise her. Dinner and... well, sex! *Bucky laughs*
Bucky- well you just let me know when you need us to watch Sarah and we will. *Steve thanks Bucky and they head to their rooms.*

*You head upstairs to bed and Nat catches up with you.*
Nat- Hey!
Y/N- hey! Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't realize Steve didn't know about tonight.
Nat- yeah I was going to surprise him with dinner and... well, sex. *You and Nat laugh*
But now, now we have to have Girls night with Kate. *Nat rolls her eyes*
Y/N- again, I'm so sorry!
Nat- it's okay, I guess we need to spend some time getting to know Kate a little better. *She rolls her eyes and you laugh and give her a nudge.*
Y/N- hey stop, she's actually nice and I think she will be a great addition to the team.
Nat- I know, I'm just bitter about not getting laid. *You laugh*
Y/N- I hear that, look maybe we can do a Girls day tomorrow, that way your night is free for the Captain. *You smirk and Nat blushes.*
Nat- I'm game for that idea!
*You laugh and give her a nudge as you head off to your room.*

*When you walk in the room and see Bucky walking around the bedroom, getting it ready for y'all to go to sleep. You lean against the doorway and watch. He sees you and smirks*
Bucky- like what you see? *He teases. You bite your lip and nod.* I though so, that little lip but you gave earlier gave me some ideas.
Y/N- oh, do tell! *You walk over and wrap your arms around his waist. He pushes your hair off your shoulders and rubs his thumb across your cheek and your lips as he talks*
Bucky- so We've obviously had sex-
Y/N- obviously! *You tease and Bucky pretends to bite your nose. He then continues.*
Bucky- and you've been with Winter and I've been with Odette. And Winter and Odette have been together. But Odette's never been with me, as in my Sweet *He kisses your cheek and you smile* Kind *He kisses your nose and you giggle* Gentle *He kisses your neck and you moan* Sensual *He ghosts his hand over your clothed center as he kisses your lips and speaks against them.* Love making. *You smile*
Y/N- I don't know if she'll be up for that, she's not really a gentle, love making person.
Bucky- ehh we'll see about that. I saw a glimmer in her eye earlier. What do you say??
*You bite you lips and look at the time. You've got two hours before the girls wake up needing to feed. You nod and pull him close.*
Y/N- let's give it a shot, but just know she might not lie on her back and let you have her way. *He smirks and kisses you*
Bucky- like I said, we'll se about that. And after this it'll just be us for a while, how does that sound??
Y/N- so, so good. *You smirk*
Bucky- then let's get you tied up.

*You lay on the bed, hands tied to the frame, the Vibranium ones, that way you can't break free.*
Bucky- okay, I'm gonna switch you, you ready?? *You nod* Swan.
*You switch and as you do Bucky climbs off you and gets ready. You look over and see him, you smirk and bit your lip, you go to break out of the ties and you can't. You start to panic a little.*
Odette- Bucky?! What-
Bucky- shhh it's okay. You're okay, you're safe. *You start to calm down. As Bucky rubs your body*
Odette- what's going on??
Bucky- calm down and think, y/n and I talked about this, try to remember that conversation.
*You breath and relax. You remember everything and you chuckle and look at him.*
Odette- y/n is right, that's not really my style, kitten.
*Bucky smirks*
Bucky- too bad baby. You Odette, have never experienced gentle Love in your life. And I want to give that to you. *You sigh and look off to the side. He turns your face to look at him, gently rubbing your chin and your cheek.* are you okay with this??
Odette- you're actually giving me a choice?? Winter usually just takes me. Whether I'm in the mood or not. *Bucky rubs up your sides*
Bucky- you always seem to be in the mood
Odette- I mean I am! *You smirk* but he never asks, I don't know what to say.. *Bucky smiles and kisses you, you try to push your tongue in his mouth and he pulls away. You grow frustrated with the situation.* Bucky! Let me own you please! I don't like this, I feel weak.
Bucky- vulnerability is not weakness Odette. It's beautiful *He kisses your neck* you're more than a good lay or an assassin. You're strong *He kisses your chest* you're self assured *He kisses your breast* you're unbelievably dedicated. *He kisses down your stomach* extremely possessive *He kisses your clothed center and you gasp*
Odette- oh Bucky! *He smirks*
Bucky- you like that?? *You nod, confused by the power he has over you.* Winter never does this, well not like how I'm about to do this.
Odette- Mmhmm show me *You say Breathlessly as you pull against the ties and arch your back.*
Bucky- gladly *He slips your underwear off and tosses it over his shoulder. He settles between your legs. And kisses your inner thighs. You moan and try to reach for his head.*
Odette- Mmhhmm please Bucky?! Untie me-
Bucky- Nope, the minute I do you're gonna flip me around and try to take control, then I have to get rough and that's not what I want. I'll untie you when I feel you have fully given in to me. *You whimper and grind against the air. Bucky smiles and kisses your center and then starts to suck on your clit. Reaches up and massages your breast as he moves down and starts to eat you out. His tongue slipping inside you and causing you incredible pleasure, you've felt this before as y/n but not as Odette. It has to be the sensual aspects of the situation, Winter more than satisfies you but it's never soft and sweet like this, Bucky is opening up a new way of being to you.*
Odette- oh Bucky! Yes! *You arch off the bed as you feel your orgasm start to build. You are waiting for the denial but it doesn't come, Bucky keeps eating you out and it's just too good, you're about to cum and your instinct takes over. Winter would have already denied you by now, you edge yourself, pulling away and taking a breath. Bucky gently smiles and boxes you in.*
Bucky- now why did you do that?? *He kisses your cheeks and you blush, you Odette, blush! Bucky notices and takes full advantage. He keeps showering you with affection, wanting to keep you in this blissful state. Having you right where he wants you.* I was having fun, was about to get the best treat ever. *He kisses your lips and slips his fingers inside you. You gasp and whimper.*
Odette- oh wh- what are you d-doing to me *he slips his fingers in and out as you try to speak*
Bucky- I think it's pretty obvious what I'm doing Doll. *He rubs you clit with his thumb as he smiles down at you.* Why did you edge yourself??
Odette- I never get to cum that soon, I just- Mmhmm I felt- Mmhmm oh Bucky!
Bucky- well I don't want you to hold back, okay. I want to know how good I've made you feel. So when you need to cum, you cum. Understand? *You look at Bucky and you see that he's not playing games, he means it. There is so much love in his eyes, you nod. He smiles and kisses you.*
Bucky- words, Odette. I need words.
Odette- y-yyes!
Bucky- good, *Bucky kisses you and whispers against your lips* now cum

‼️Yesterday was Bucky's Birthday! 🎉 🥳 🎂‼️

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