Try And Catch Me

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*Bucky catches you and tickles your sides

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*Bucky catches you and tickles your sides.*
Y/N- ahhh!! Stop! *You laugh and pull out of his grasp. You smirk and run to the room.*
Bucky- oh this is gonna be fun! *He chases you into the room. He grabs you again and lifts you in the air. You laugh and wiggle free, he pulls you back into his arms and he squeezes your ass.*
Y/N- Ahh! *You yelp. You hear some noise behind you. You turn around and see Jonnie playing with one of the goats.*
Y/N- Jonnie! What?! Why- what is our rule?!
Jonnie- but Liho and Alpine have four legs and they are allowed in!!
*You try not to scream. You take a breath and Bucky steps in.*
Bucky- you know what?! You're right! But goats are different than dogs and cats.
Jonnie- but why??
Y/N- because goats will eat everything. And I mean everything. Your dolls, your toys, everything.
*She gasps*
Jonnie- giggles would never!! *You look at Bucky and he shrugs*
Bucky- is his name giggles now??
Jonnie- well yeah! We already have an Alpine.
*She says it like you two were dumb, you just laugh.*
Bucky- okay, well let's take giggles back to the pen outside.
*Jonnie sighs and gets up, she walks out and giggles follows her. Bucky laughs and helps them get outside. You rub your belly and get to cleaning up the living room. You are in the middle of vacuuming when Bucky sneaks up on you again. You scream and he laughs as he kisses your cheek. You hit him.*
Y/N- Asshole! You scared Ben! *He looks and he can see his little feet pressing against your belly.*
Bucky- oh bud I'm sorry!! *He kisses your belly and he calms down. You hand him the vacuum.*
Y/N- you finish cleaning up the goat fur!
*He laughs and nods as he does what you asked. You sit and watch as he cleans.*

*You get a text from Eli's mom asking if Grant could spend the night. Then right after Nora's mom texts and asks if Winnie and Sarah could spend the night.*
Y/N- huh? *You think for a moment.* hey Bucky? What would you say to Grant and Winnie spending the night with Eli and Nora tonight??
*Bucky spots dusting, after the vacuum you set him on dusting everything.*
Bucky- Umm yeah, I think that would be okay.
*You smile*
Y/N- well I will let them know.
Bucky- so we will just have the triplets??
Y/N- yup!
Bucky- huh! *He thinks for a minute and then smiles* you know I think I'm going to take the girls to the park then, let them run around, get really tired. I may not bring them back till right before dinner. Then we may even go on a run after.
*You laugh and spank him as he walks by.*
Y/N- don't get too tired, what if I decide to let you off the hook tonight. *You wink and Bucky smirks*
Bucky- oh you'll let me off the hook tonight. I know it *He winks and leaves*

*You get Grant and Winnie ready to leave.*
Y/N- you sending Sarah?
Nat- No, we are keeping her home. She is a little sick and we don't want it to spread. *You nod*
Y/N- okay kids, let's go!
*You get them in the car. When Bucky calls you, you answer.*
Bucky- hey babe! We are at the store, grabbing dinner. I stopped in the- Umm the- *Bucky looks to make sure no one is around.* the Adult health aisle. *You laugh*
Y/N- okay, and?
Bucky- well last time we Umm- *He looks down at the girls who are running around and playing with packages of pads.* girls stop! *They do* last time we united I think we used the last of the jelly. *A man walks by and hears Bucky and he laughs slightly and gives an approving nod to Bucky. He smiles and nods back.*
Y/N- okay... so?! *you know what he's asking but you just keep him on the line.*
Bucky- so do you think we will need it tonight??
*You laugh*
Y/N- oh YOU will need it! *You giggle* bye!
*You hang up as you hear Bucky start to beg for more information.*
Winnie- mommy who was that??
Y/N- oh that was just Daddy
Grant- what will he need?
*You laugh*
Y/N- Your thoughts and prayers... and a whole lot of luck. *You smile and the kids nod and laugh*

*Bucky looks at his phone and grumbles. He grabs some lube and throws in the the basket. The girls are still messing with stuff.*
Bucky- girls! Come here
Elizabeth- daddy what is a condom?
*Bucky spins around and sees she has a box in her hand, she had pulled it off the shelf. Bucky takes it and throws it back on the shelf.*
Bucky- it's nothing, okay. It's for adults and adults only.
Jonnie- do you and mommy use them?
Bucky- Umm he-yeah we do. But your 4 other siblings and the one on the way would beg to differ- anyway, let's go. *He starts to walk away and he turns back around.* let's not mention this, okay?!
Jonnie- okay!
Odette- are we keeping secrets from mommy?!
Bucky- No! No, you can tell mommy. In fact she will probably laugh. But don't tell your friends or anything. Okay?!
*They all nod and agree*

*You drop the kids off at Eli and Nora's houses*
Y/N- Be good! I love you and I'll be back to get you after breakfast tomorrow!
Grant- okay!!
Winnie- okay!!
*You head home and when you pull in you see the girls running in the yard. You laugh as you walk over to them.*
Y/N- what are they doing??
*Bucky smiles and pulls you close*
Bucky- I told them they had to run super fast to get the sun to go down. *You laugh*
Y/N- and why do they agree?
Bucky- because I told them that once the sun went down they could have a popsicle. *He laughs and you hit his arm*
Y/N- okay, the sugar will do the opposite of what this is doing. *You point to the kids running around.*
Bucky- Nope! They are those gross healthy ones you make.
*You laugh and kiss him*

*The girls eat dinner and get their popsicles. They almost fall asleep in the tub.*
Y/N- okay, come on sweet girls.
Odette- I'm tired mommy.
Elizabeth- I could sleep on the floor
Jonnie- mommy can I have cuddles?!
Y/N- I know, Mmhmm my babies! *You cuddle all of them. Bucky eyes you, hoping you say no to cuddles. You smile* come here, let's go cuddle for a bit.
*They all climb into the bed and you snuggle with them. Bucky sighs and cleans up the bathroom and gets their room ready. Nightlights on, oil defusing, stuffies in their beds. He comes back into the bedroom and takes them one by one. He holds them close and places them in their beds. They protest a little but they are so sleepy they lay right down and pass out. He walks into the bedroom, closes and locks the door, and faces you.*
Bucky- your trick didn't work.. *You smirk*
Y/N- I see yours did *You wave the monitor, the girls asleep.*
Bucky- so, are you still going to punish me??
*He walks closer, as he does he loses his shirt. Then he slowly unbuttons his pants and steps out of them. He slips his fingers in his waistband and pops them. You smirk and pull your legs up. He cocks his head to the side and watches your every move.*
Y/N- I may just use you tonight, how does that sound? *You spread your legs and beckon him closer. He smiles and dives into the bed. He crawls between your legs and kisses up your thighs, you grab his hair and pull up his face. You tisk.*
Y/N- not like that sweetness. Lay on your back.
*He does and you get off the bed. You undress and climb back on the bed. You straddle his leg. He looks down at you and whimpers.*
Bucky- wait- *You silence him with your hand*
Y/N- your punishment is you don't get what you want. You want to taste me? So you won't. You want to kiss me? So You won't. *You giggle* all that matters is my pleasure right now, understand?
*He nods and you feel him smirk under your hand.*
Bucky- so if I were to say, ugh I don't want to taste you at all! I would hate for my face to be sat on and I only come up for air once you've cum! No way! *You laugh*
Y/N- oh no, guess that's what your getting!
*Bucky pretends to be heartbroken*
Bucky- Damn it! Oh no! *You laugh as you move to straddle his face. You sit and let him devour you. You lean forward to give him a good angle and he takes full advantage. He has you cumming in a matter of minutes.*
Y/N- oh Bucky!! Mhmm Yesyesyesyes!!
Bucky- Mmhm so good! Yes!!
*You smile and climb off, your legs are a little shakey. But you manage to get to the closet, you throw on your robe and throw Bucky's at him. He eyes your next move. You grab out two vibrators and throw one at him. You smirk and open the door.*
Y/N- try and catch me *You wink and run out of the room, Bucky shoots up and throws on his boxers and his robe. He slides out into the pitch black hallway. He laughs and chases you down the hall and then he loses you in the living room.*
Bucky- oh *He laughs* this is gonna be fun!

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