Next Stop

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*You get home and head inside, you grab Ben and head upstairs

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*You get home and head inside, you grab Ben and head upstairs.Steve gives Bucky a look and then looks over at you and where you are hugging on Ben and making a big deal about how you have your baby in your arms. Bucky laughs and walks to Steve in order to quietly answer his confusion.*
Bucky- shes real eager for her punishment. *He says sarcastically*
*Steve laughs*
Steve- she was always trying to skirt her way out my punishments *Bucky laughs and so does Steve.*
Bucky- Ha! That's probably because you didn't scare her enough so she just didn't want to bother. *Steve agrees*
Steve- yeah probably *He laughs* I've changed my ways though. *Bucky laughs* I've had to step it up a notch to keep up with Nat
*Bucky laughs*
Nat- Stevie?! You sharing our secrets? *She narrows her gaze and Steve shifts a little. Bucky laughs*
Bucky- I'd say you still need to step it up. *Steve shoves him and he laughs*
Steve- anyway, just make sure your soundproofing is on tonight.
Nat- yes please!!
*Bucky nods*
Bucky- sorry about that, Ben's quite the crier.
Steve- I'm just glad it's Ben we are hearing and not you two.
Bucky- oh please Stevie, we all know y/n and I have the hottest sex life in this house.
*Bucky smirks and pats Steve's shoulder as he walks to you. He brushes up against you as he walks by and you try to keep it together. Bucky can tell*
Bucky- oh sorry baby. Didn't mean to bump you. *He winks and you blush. He whispers* the minute he goes to bed your pretty little ass is mine. *He spanks you and walks away. Steve shakes his head and laughs. Nat looks at you*
Nat- oh you're fucked
*You take a deep breath and nod*
Y/N- yes, yes I am.

*The rest of the day Bucky sends you dirty texts and pictures. He tells you all about what he is gonna do to you. With each text you become more and more desperate. You trap him in the hall*
Y/N- how much longer are you gonna tease me?! I'm aching and I don't deserve this-
*He kisses you and your knees go weak*
Bucky- trust me baby, it will all be worth it tonight. Now go
*You pout as you walk away. Bucky just smiles and bites his lip as he watches your hips sway as you walk.*

*You get a text from Bucky*
Bucky- you keep swinging your hips like that then I'm gonna have to take you upstairs and bend you over my leg.
*You smirk and text back*
Y/N- how about you do it right here on the couch. If you're so big and tough. *You smirk. If you're gonna get wrecked tonight instead of your sweet love that you deserve, might as well push him to the brink.*
Bucky- don't tempt me 😈
*You giggle and look around. You take a video of you slowly pulling your dress up your thighs. You send it to him*
Bucky- get your ass over here, now ✋🏻🍑
Y/N- No, think I'll keep my ass where it is. 😘
Bucky- keep this up and we will start with Daddy tearing into your ass, no sweetness, no gentleness. Now get your ass on my lap, now. 😈😏
*That gives you slight pause. But the fact he said "start with" means he still intends to be sweet and gentle at some point. He doesn't seem to be backing down in this "Daddy" role play for tonight so you just sigh and go along with it. You smirk and send something that might just get you in hot water tonight.*
Y/N- make me
*You hit send and just wait. You hear the scrapping of a chair against the hardwood floor. You hear him stomp toward you and he turns the corner. His eyes are full of lust and anger. He closes the distance and Winnie very innocently walks in and runs to you*
Winnie- mama!! Look what uncle Tony got us!!
*Bucky takes a deep breath and continues to walk over, with less anger though.*
Y/N- a snow cone?! What?!
Winnie- yeah! There is a whole truck outside!
*You smile*
Y/N- well that's fun! Do you think Daddy and I can have one?!
*She nods and pulls you along*
Winnie- Daddy come on! *She squeals and runs back outside*
Y/N- yeah Daddy, come on. *You tease and Bucky smirks. He growls as he runs towards you and catches you*
Bucky- Mmhmm you are playing with fire Bunny
Y/N- Mmhmm I thought I was playing with Winter *You tease and slip out of Bucky's arms.* can you get Ben? I think he just woke up. *You kiss his cheek and run away. Bucky laughs and gets Ben before he comes to find you.*
Y/N- hi baby! *You take Ben* my sweet boy!
*He giggles and cuddles up to you.*
Bucky- he's tired, gonna sleep good tonight *He smirks and you smile*
Y/N- good! I'm exhausted, I need the sleep. *You walk away, swaying your hips again. You sit with Nat and Samuel and Yelena and Charlie. Bucky brings you some ice cream.*
Bucky- here ya go Baby girl.
*You smile*
Y/N- thank you babe

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