No One Else

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*You lay there with the girls on your chest

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*You lay there with the girls on your chest. Bucky sits beside you and hold you, he stares down at his girls, all of them, well almost all of them.*
Bucky- you feeling up to a call? Call the kids and let them see you and their sisters?
*You nod. Steve hands Bucky his phone. Bucky calls Nat and she answers, you head little giggles in the background and you start to cry. Bucky kisses your head and rubs your shoulder*
Nat- hey guys! Ohh look at them, they are so cute! *You and Bucky thank her.* How are you feeling y/n?
Y/N- I'm okay, we had some scares that I'll let Steve fill you in on, but we are all okay and healthy.
Nat- good, I'm glad!
Bucky- we will be here for 2 days. Maybe you can bring the kids by tomorrow, let them meet their sisters?
Nat- yeah, I'll need Steve to come back and help me get them all there.
Steve- I'll be heading home in a bit babe.
Nat- okay, y'all wanna see the kids?
*You nod. She walks over and you see Grant. He looks up and smiles. He takes the phone from Nat and goes to sit on the couch*
Grant- hi mama!! I iss you!!
Y/N- oh I miss you too Grant!
Grant- ere r you?! *Winnie comes running up and smiles*
Winnie- mama mama mama!!! I uve ouuu iss oouu!!
Y/N- I miss you too Winnie boo! I love you both so much!
Bucky- we will be home soon, but y'all are gonna come and see us tomorrow and we have a surprise for you!
Grant- wha?!? *He smiles and Winnie squeals*
Bucky- you'll have to wait and see!! But you're gonna love it! *Grant and Winnie laugh*
Grant- I goda go!! Mmmwwwaahh luv you!!
Winnie- mmwwaahh uve youuu!!
*The run off and hand Nat the phone.*
Y/N- thank you for everything Nat.
Nat- don't mention it, they're great we will see you two tomorrow!
*Nat hangs up and Steve stands up to say bye*
Steve- Alright I'm gonna head back, gotta help Nat get the rugrats to bed. *You smile and Bucky stands up to hug him bye. Steve kisses your head* I grabbed this bag before I left. *He hands you your hospital bag. You meant to bring it with you. It has some clothes and stuff for you and Bucky and 3 little onesies.*
Y/N- thank you Steve.
Steve- Nat is gonna bring some more stuff when we come tomorrow. *You nod*
Bucky- thanks again Steve, I- *Bucky tries to not cry. Steve just nods*
Steve- I know Buck. *He hugs him again and waves goodbye as he leaves.*

*The girls start to get hungry.*
Y/N- okay, let me feed Odette and Elizabeth first. You hold Jonnie and maybe that will satisfy her for a bit. *Bucky nods and then realizes what you said*
Bucky- wait?!? You're gonna feed both girls?? At the same time?!?
*You laugh and nods. You take your top off completely and Bucky gets you a nursing pillow, the hospital gave you one for while you were there. You get ready and start nursing Odette and then Bucky helps you situate Elizabeth. You just lay back and try to remember that the pain goes away eventually.*
Bucky- are you okay?? *He watches you as he rocks Jonnie*
Y/N- yeah, you'd think my body would just be use to it by now, two babies in and it still hurts a little.
*A nurse walks in*
Nurse- well I see you are already a pro at tandem nursing. *You smile and the nurse walks over to check on you and check your stats.* do we need a bottle of formula for this little one? *She looks down at Jonnie.*
Bucky- Umm *He looks up at you*
Y/N- I want to try and nurse her, hopefully I'll have something left. If not then yes. Thank you!
*She nods*
Nurse- your Pediatric Nurse will be by in a little bit to check on your girls.
Bucky- thank you.
*She leaves and you two just sit in silence with your girls. Jonnie looks up at Bucky and just looks over his face. He smiles and rubs her back. You look down at Odette and Elizabeth, you smile and they both hold onto you and just relax in your arms. Once they are done you burp Odette as Elizabeth lays on the bed in between your legs. You switch them around and Burp Elizabeth. Bucky just watches in awe.*
Bucky- you are amazing *He kisses you and lays Elizabeth in your arms. He takes Odette and Elizabeth in his arms and sits back down with them. You hold Jonnie and she starts to nurse. You can tell she's gonna need a bottle, you know there is nothing wrong with that but you also just want to be able to nurse all your babies a little bit. You look at Bucky.*
Y/N- did she ever bring that bottle??
Bucky- No but I'll go check-
Y/N- No it's fine, I'll just call.
*You press the call button and a nurse comes in. She brings you a bottle for Jonnie. You nurse Jonnie as long as you can, not really sure how much she's getting. She starts to whine so you get the bottle and try to have her drink that, she drinks a little about an ounce.*
Bucky- so she mostly nursed??
Y/N- yes, I had almost enough.
Bucky- so will you be able to nurse them all like you did Grant and Winnie?
Y/N- I don't know, once they start needing more it will depend on what my body can produce. We will supplement with formula while we wait for my milk and then whenever one of them needs more. *You burp Jonnie and then get her changed and laying on the bed. You get your phone and make a note of who you fed first and fully and who needs to go first next time. Bucky looks over your shoulder*
Bucky- what are you doing?
Y/N- trying to keep track of who was fed first and who needs to go first next time.
*Bucky smiles and stands up, he lays the girls in their bassinets, he takes Jonnie and lays her down too. He climbs in bed next to you and holds you.*
Bucky- you amaze me more and more everyday. *He kisses you and you lay your head on his shoulder*

*Bucky gets a nurse to help you up and out of bed. He didn't want to do something wrong and hurt you. He knows this is different than the last two so he wants to make sure he does everything right.*
Nurse- okay, just be gentle when cleaning it and then we will redress it after you're done.
Bucky- you want to sit? *You nod. Your whole body hurts, from having 2 vaginal deliveries and then a c-section. He helps you shower and get dressed. You get in bed and fall asleep. The girls wake up at the same time, it was nice that they were all on the same schedule but it's also overwhelming because there is only two of you and three of them.*
Bucky- we got this, we can do this! *You smile through the feeling of needing to cry. Bucky feels the same way too.*
Y/N- hey Bucky? *He hums as he rocks Odette and you nurse Elizabeth and Jonnie.* there's no one else I'd rather go crazy with than you. *You smile and laugh to yourself, you both are so tired. Bucky laughs as well. He kisses your cheek and then sits back down.*
Bucky- thanks babe.

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